When does time pass Slowest for you and when does it pass the Quickest?

Mrs Fox hates computers and the internet, except when she asks our daughter to find something on Amazon that she can’t buy in the traditional way. I’ve tried to explain that sorting her finances out and writing in her journal would be a breeze using a laptop or a smartphone, but when it comes to anything digital she has the patience of Attila the Hun…

She does have a very active social life though, helping out at the local church, walking everyday with various friends and attending a keep fit class each week. She worked in a care home most of her working life and still looks in on the local old folk.
Mrs Fox in her younger days…
My Mini
What the hell happened you may ask…


I would ask no such thing :slightly_smiling_face:
Very fetching Mrs Fox looks too if I may say so.
I empathise with her reluctance to embrace technology, I’m a bit vellum and quill pen myself :wink::+1:

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