If you had to pick one starch as your main starch that you eat the most, what would it be?
I eat a lot of rice with pasta in second place. Meat and potatoes people would pick potatoes.
What’s your main starch?
- Rice
- Pasta
- Potatoes
- Another starch
- I don’t eat starches
Spuds, but only in moderation and always with some kind of fat/oil to lower the overall GI value of the serving size.
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If I really had to then it’s pasta, it’s so quick and versatile and I enjoy being liberal with the olive oil.
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Bread for me,totally versatile and a quick snack/treat.
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Oops, forgot that one. Thanks for adding it in the comments.
It’s rice for me. I could eat rice all day. So many different varieties. I’m content with brown rice, but I like a lot of varieties.
Potatoes, Pasta, Rice and Oats but No Bread … 
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Bread, pasta, rice, potatoes in that order.
I am Irish - has to be potatoes! But I do like rice and pasta as well.
Bread and cereals … hate cooking love sandwiches.
Oats for breakfast, hot or cold depending on the time of year.
Bread for lunch.
potatoes, pasta, rice (in that order) for dinner.
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I am now on a low potassium diet, so potatoes are out and rice is in.
I love cooking, now using a lot of homemade flatbreads.
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White bread or wholemeal bread with some cheese.
I’ve just bought some Polish Sourdough bread for the second week running, its delicious! 
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