Maybe you’ve never had a proper pizza? As for cheap fast food joints such as Nando’s and the like? Not to my taste either.
Exactly what I was thinking. There’s nothing, absolutely nothing, that is as good a pizza as one made in Naples.
Nah, you see, I’ve travelled a bit, I’ve had pizza in Naples, Florence and Turin and ruddy lovely they were too, but I’m still not as signed up to the cult as some of you! It’s lovely but not my favourite
I think it might be because I like to have meals made up of little dishes of lots of things, wading through a huge pizza I get a bit bored. Definitely overrated for me
We’ve got an outdoor pizza oven and make our own too But I do that mostly for my chaps because they love it
Wanna see me spin that pizza dough?

We’ve got an outdoor pizza oven and make our own too But I do that mostly for my chaps because they love it
Wanna see me spin that pizza dough?
Yes, please. That sounds fabulous!
Burgers.They are very popular but I don’t like the taste or texture.
Roast chicken. Very popular but not my favourite!

That’s the only thing I ever order on the menu because it’s safe
Lobster. Would rather have a fresh crab any day.
I never understand why people rave over Prosecco either. Ghastly stuff. (Just had to include a drink).

That’s the only thing I ever order on the menu because it’s safe
I wouldn’t bet on that!
Or perhaps I’m overwhelmed with all the choices so I stick with what’s ‘safe’
Most yucky are oysters to me, nasty things & welks & jellies eels, not a great lover of sea food but I like prawns, shrimps, scampi, scallops & the few times I’ve had them, crab & lobster, but both too fussy to deal with whole myself. I eat Dover sole, scampi & plaice though, whichever is available at the chippy.
The most overated food is caviar, yuck!
We haven’t dined out for quite some time and don’t intend to in the near future:).
I think Avocado is very over rated. When I was working at the PO Tower in London in the 1960s, a mate and myself were sharing the lift with a worker from the revolving Butlins restaurant. On his trolley were desserts including Avocado. At that time I hadn’t ever tried it so he gave us a bowl.
Not at all impressive either as a dessert or a fruit, Mashed avocado toast is a very popular breakfast here, personally I couldn’t be bothered even though they are cheap enough at the supermarket.
I don’t know. When I was a child my mother liked to bake and won prizes But the food for the table was usually bland - always meat and potatoes. I don’t suppose that it helped that I was a fussy eater. Life moves on. What is the most overrated food now? Pasta for me I suppose. Bland unless you spice it up.
It’s difficult to say something is over-rated when I’ve never tried it, but going by the cost of it and the generally held illusion that it’s a “luxury food”, I’ve always thought caviar must be over-rated.
Foie gras is another thing that disgusts me and I would never eat - surely it must be over-rated and cannot be worth the money or justify the unethical methods of production.
I have avocado now and again but it’s nothing special. I think people just jump on the bandwagon when menus offer “Smashed avocado on sourdough bread ”. The only reason I have it occasionally is if they’re on offer because they are supposed to be a good source of vitamins.
Avocado is a waste of space in my stomach. Can’t stand it. Same goes for oysters and caviar.
Caviar, yuk
Oysters, yuk
Tripe, yuk
And for overrated how about Moussaka, what is the point of aubergines? Tasteless, rather have a good lasagne

Tripe, yuk
And for overrated how about Moussaka, what is the point of aubergines? Tasteless, rather have a good lasagne
Tripe - agree. Absolutely yuck.
I also agree with you about aubergines but I do like moussaka.
Being from the Maritimes, I’d have to say dulse. People around here eat it like it’s mana from Heaven. I just don’t see the appeal.