What's on TV what have you been watching?

Picard will be out soon on Amazon Prime

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Watched the 1st episode of this last night but wasn’t impressed. The films of his books are much, much better.

Thanks. Unfortunately it’s on Amazon Prime and I don’t have a subscription.

Yes Dan Browns Lost Symbol, didn’t do a lot for me either

Amazon Prime are doing 1 month free trial period, I know this because my brother registered for free to watch the Rugby Autumn Internationals

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Watched a cooking programme called Nadiya 's fast flavours, it’s on BBC 2 Thursday 8.30pm. Unfortunately I couldn’t find a video of it, so this is another one that she did.

I always watch a recording or iPlayer

His mother bought it 40 years ago, so the prices would have been more. You need a bit of land to do what he did. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve been catching up on a few missed episodes of “Our Yorkshire Farm”. Every episode I find very interesting, the nine Owen children remind me so much of my younger years. It was similar to them in that myself and others my age played out in the fields and countryside surrounding where I lived in the 1950s. Nothing like the Yorkshire Moors but the freedom was very similar. Compared to today’s youngsters my childhood was so very different and I believe far better.

Amanda and Clive Owen bringing up their nine children shows how it’s possible without all the modern devices etc. What amazes me is how they all play together, the younger ones learning from their older siblings, no fighting or arguing. It’s how I believe families should be, “Our Yorkshire Farm” is well worth watching I reckon if you haven’t seen it before. It was originally on Channel 5 and also it’s on YouTube, a link to YouTube is shown below:

It’s also on catchup TV, if anyone want to view it there:



Wheel of Time rather good on Prime. But soon Dec on Netflix The Witcher season 2 :slight_smile:


That’s great @Arachne but don’t have Netflix, only have Amazon prime because hubby likes the grand tour.

Try The Witcher it is high fantasy story. If you like that type of fantasy series. Season one is on Netflix and season 2 Mid December.

  1. Shang chi
  2. Free Guy
  3. Hallmark Christmas romances :heart_eyes:
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I’m anxiously awaiting season 2!

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Friday at 9pm on BBC 4, Lindisfarne Geordie Genius.I have a album of this guy but don’t know much about him.

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My original post #27 contained two links which it appears, no longer work.
Apologies for this, technology is a real pain when it doesn’t work, as probably many of us know.
I note the YouTube video in the OP suffered the same fate!

I have checked this one out and below the first paragraph of my original text is another YouTube video, at the time of posting this worked perfectly OK.

The same happened with the video showing episodes from the catch-ups on Channel 5. The link below the YouTube video does work, I’ve checked it and it’s there for anyone who wishes to view it.

Link to Channel 5 catch-up episodes:

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Sometimes the owners of the videos on YouTube decide that it’s not going to be available to all, it’s not YouTube themselves. It happens with music videos the studios block them. :slightly_smiling_face:

We watched this last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. Well worth downloading it if you have a Sky subscription.

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Yes, thanks logan1 for your comments.

I’ve had this before but with music videos on YouTube. The one I posted did have something about ‘Subscribe’ and ‘Free Trial’ so I would bet this had something to do with it. Money, money, money probably, as is the usual case. Checking that it worked on posting is something I always do, the same with all links via URLs. Much more of this and I will just stop posting any links, in fact it’s getting to where I will just stop posting altogether, any fun and enjoyment seems to have gone out of it now.
:upside_down_face: :frowning_face:

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Don’t you be going anywhere laddie! You stay right here, and keep chatting away
I know its frustrating when outside links and videos don’t work, but please don’t leave just because of that! :scream:


I don’t watch TV. I feel cleansed as a result.

Oh dear don’t stop posting, it happens to me but I still like to do it, I just love looking for videos and putting them on.
Let me cheer you up with this short video, I watch these all the time.

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