What's age got to do with it?

Ahhh. I trim my length too but only because it’s at a length that I can cause I hate going to hair stylist. Their inch somehow turns into 3 or 4. :shock:
Gosh Filly. We really have you hopping here.
You need to get in touch with your neighbour. Find those pictures. Have her help you transfer them. Get your hair cut then braid it colour it and show us a pic of it ALL with your farm animals.
No pressure! :044:

I did wonder :lol: … but it makes a change. It’s usually us Brits who leave you wondering.

That’s ok. I’m not complaining. It’s a UK forum after all.
I’m in ‘your’ territory. I usually say braid / plait too. :-p

I’d still ‘love’ to see your hair Morty.
Maybe with a hat? :mrgreen:

Oh you shall Bratti, I have some lined up for “show and tell” :wink:

Lion, you are so sweet…:hug:

Oh wouldn’t that be fun if they gave Paris to you. We’d both have to move to the farm. Tell your son to start building little in-law shacks on the property for you and me, hahaha


I got the pictures and the video, thanks, I will see what I can do about them soon. Right now I am dealing with too much pain…but “this too, shall pass”:wink:

Well Bratti…I didn’t have to hop too far today as I had company come with my groceries. Yup, son and d-I-l…dropped by with my stash. :mrgreen: I’ve not been feeling very well over the past few days… So I asked Sheri if she would take a photo of me with a hat on whilst she was here. The only hat here was my dear hubby’s plaid Tilley Safari hat… Not the best picture I’ve ever had taken but Gracie makes up for that…:smiley:

Still haven’t cut my bangs…and as you can see, no colour in my hair and no farm animals… That’ll all have to wait for another time…:039: :052:

Yes honey…owning Paris would be glorious but don’t think it’ll happen…but they share her with me and that’s an awesome thing…

I would love one of those tiny granny homes in the country… :smiley:

Love…Filly :052:

Filly, you would look great in anything, You have been a beautiful looking woman for all the years I have known you…
:049: (but I think you would look best in Sheri’s Cowboy hat…)

Edited: I enlarged the piccie and I just noticed the pants. Lookin good Filly…:wink:

Thanks Blue…if I’d have thought of it, I would have asked Sheri to bring one of hers with them today…

Yeah, the leggings are really cool, eh, they were a gift. :wink:

Oh goodness Filly, I don’t know how I missed this. Look how Silver your hair is. That’s really something. What a cute picture.
Thanks for sharing.
Ps… I like bangs ( fringes )

Thank you, Bratti…but actually my hair is more white now than silver. :smiley: Perhaps y’all can see now why I seldom wear hats? :mrgreen:

I like bangs on myself way better than in this picture too…:blush:

I like bangs on you much better also Filly. You really suite bangs. I feel naked or over exposed without my bangs; fringe. It’s like a half curtain to hide behind. :lol:

What a great way of putting it…:slight_smile: The last time I cut my bangs myself…I went too far and made them way too short. I’ve been looking forward to getting a trim soon…so then, I’ll have bangs again and feel more myself…

I cut my own bangs honey, hahaha…I sent you the picture, but we won’t go into any details, I am sick over it. :hug: (poor us when we cut those damn bangs too short)

Bangs ?
Do you mean a fringe ?

Oh yes Muddy, I am sorry, I forgot that you call them fringes…

Blue x

Right now my bangs are quite long as I’ve been growing them out…but because I like myself better with bangs…I shall be getting them cut soon. Oops…not cut by me…going to the hair salon…

OMGosh…it’s horrible when we cut our bangs too damn short…it seems forever for them to grow back in… :049:

Yes, my bangs (fringes) are too short right now, that is for certain Filly…:smiley:

HAHAHA Blue…yours are too short right now and mine are way too long…:lol: