What would you say is the most reliable and cost efficient apparatus in your home?

I think my most cost-efficient apparatus is my old-fashioned kitchen balance scales for weighing stuff.
They cost absolutely nothing to run and they cost me nothing to buy - and I find balance scales are always reliable and sufficiently accurate for my cooking needs.
I inherited them from my Mum, who inherited them from her Auntie.

All the weights my Great Aunt had were in imperial lbs and ounces (from 2lbs down to One Quarter of an ounce) and I still have those but I also have a set of brass metric weights (from 1Kg down to 5g)
The metric set was given to me as a present from a friend about 20 years ago. She spotted them at a car boot sale and she knew I was looking for some, so she snapped them up for ÂŁ2.50.

By the way, I have noticed that my GP surgery, the local hospital , AND even the high-tech gym I go to, all still rely on the traditional system of balance scales for weighing humans too!


some of the electronic / digital scales are wildly inaccurate if they are positioned ever so slightly out. They have carpet “feet” but this happens on wooden flooring. The old fashioned scales didn’t have this problem.


Well as that old saying goes you wouldn’t read about it.
What a coincidence I had just finished extolling the reliability of so many things in my unit (read below) and read till the end.
Probably the toilet. :smiley:
Very interesting topic Bretrick as when I think about it there are at least a hundred cost efficient apparatus in my place. Probably a lot more. The roofing iron of the Unit is 50 years old and still keeping the place dry. Same with walls, floor, doors and windows.
All the plumbing pipes and taps, electrics plugs fittings and switches of which there are many. Electricity and waer supply as well as sanitatinSo many plates, cups and glasses. So much cutlery, knives forks spoons pots and pans which have lasted many years and used every day. Hammers, saws, screwdrivers, pliers and nails screws to name but a few of a vast array of tools which serve so many purposes I would not be with out and have lasted for years. Simple yet essential helpers like needles, scissors and nail files.Then the modern
accessories stoves, vacume cleaners, micro wave, washing machines, fridges, PC, wi-fi, TV, radio remore controls. Beds and chairs. So I feel blessed with so many tools and appliances which are relatively cheap to buy, are effective and safe, require little servicing and generally last a long time .
Then guess what my screen suddenly went double vision shadow and blurry. I thought thats it Bretrick has jinxed my PC :grinning:
Fortunately I was able to find the cause and correct things for now any way!!!

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My car

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