What would you ban?

Correct answer. :grinning:


washes over me.

Confused dot com…that’s me. :grin:

snollygoster - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

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Ahhh, thanks, I did think it was a made up word so I dint google it …brilliant🤣

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I would ban the NHS’s determination to add a DNR on elderly people approaching end of life. It happened to my mother now being bullied to apply to elderly husband . Let people who are NOT suffering die at their own pace. Hospial beds needed then give support to dying people in their own homes … I wish !!!


Personally, I have a DNR, but I believe that decision should be left up to the patient and / or family if patient unable to.

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You sound fed up. :grin:

Och the noo…)

All social medias for the under 16.


What do you mean ? I’ve lived a long life, times have been good, times have been bad, but life is what it is, a mixture of good and bad. Saying such, I am in bad health, when my time comes, I’m ready, I do not want anyone to have to take care of me, or making any of my final decisions.

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Death is as natural as life. It’s part of the deal we made. Everything that gets born, dies.
It shouldn’t be taboo to discuss it. It’s the one constant . I’m not afraid of death . If you are not faced with it,as I am with husbands impending death, it’s easy to be afraid. Celebrate and be thankful for good life . Grim I agree but inevitable … so sorry xxxx

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So True.
The Maggots in the ‘WouldWork’ Is.
That the Very Best. And least Deserving.
All ways seem to go. All too soon.

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To your point Ms. jennilin, it’s better for both parties if you can discuss it, but do not dwell on it.

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Speak for yourself. I intend to live for ever. It’s going well so far.

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There are those foolish enough to believe so, I do believe you may be one of them.

Some people will believe anything.

These Life Assurance companies are going through a funny phase, the advertising theme of late is that they guarantee to pay out every claim, how the heck could one verify that their claim had been honoured :grin:

Your words and deeds speak loudest.

Absolutely, but that’s just my exciting, enthralling, entertaining, personality combined with my fondness for shouting