What will you be getting for Black Friday?

I was surprised to learn that the UK also takes part in Black Friday. In the US, it’s the day after Thanksgiving. It looks like roughly the same day in the UK, but without the Thanksgiving.

Ads are already out here for some of the big stores.

What will you be getting for Black Friday?


Would pi$$ed off be an acceptable answer? I despise all types of gimmicks in an attempt to boost otherwise flagging sales. When one of my daughter’s worked in retail she told me that almost all so called bargain sale items were specifically sourced and still sold for handsome profits.


Probably nothing. Not in the market for any big purchases at the moment. Unless my tv ‘accidentally’ break :joy:


…I will be getting nothing ,
I buy very little these days and think the whole concept of Black Friday is wrong…


In this land of so called diversity, I feel I should really flag the ‘black’ attached to the afore mentioned Friday :wink:

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Would “Freaky Friday” help at all with your conundrum? I think most people who go hell for leather fighting over a cheap(er) tv or fridge freezer need their heads looking at, frankly. The amount of fighting that goes on is ridiculous :frowning:


They should have a protest version on the same day called “green Friday” where you don’t buy any stuff you don’t need.


A large Airfryer

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I hope you get it at a discount. :icon_wink:


Go for it. Black Friday is named for retailers breaking even in sales, or going in the black instead of red (debt) before the boon of the holidays.

There are people who die every year when they get trampled. I think it even happened last year.

I will take advantage of sales to replace my computer, probably online though. :grin:

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I think they have that except it’s not too organized. It’s all the people who don’t show up for it.

Maybe I can start a thread for those people closer to the day but you get kicked out of the group if you find something on sale that day and get it. :003:

I’ve heard some of those stories too. Somehow they “needed” that thing on that day when it arrived.

I should say that I’ve never participated on Black Friday or bought anything on that day. But I would if I found a great deal of something I was already getting and it was convenient to get it. It just has not worked out that way so far.

I tried to get a Hulu Black Friday special a couple years ago, but they wouldn’t take a gift card as payment, so I let it go. That would have been my first purchase of a Black Friday special. [And I was so upset at Hulu for that, that I still haven’t subscribed. But if they have the special again and accept gift cards this time. . . . maybe. . . :rofl: ]

I fancy the latest Fujifilm camera: X100V

But of course that’s not the kind of thing that gets discounted.

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I’ve been looking at the Black Friday ads for that too. So far, the prices are higher than they were before. I’ll keep an eye out.

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They do…


I don’t do that everyday. :grin:

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@butterscotch If this Black Friday is like the others, then it’s guaranteed I’ll be getting one thing for sure. Poorer!!! :weary: :weary: :weary:


IMO, Black Friday is for mugs … :man_shrugging:


In the US, there’s also protests on that day for making people work on Thanksgiving. They say that Thanksgiving should be a holiday for families, so retailers shouldn’t be forcing retail workers to work that day.

Given the shortage of workers this year, maybe they won’t.

@danny If this Black Friday is like the others, I’ll be getting disappointed. . . again. :009:

mugs? I tried looking it up. It’s either a coffee cup or a swear word. Neither seems right in context. :102:

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@LongDriver I entirely agree with this, good answer I reckon! :+1:

It’s really surprising considering the title, that it has not been set upon by those individuals and organisations who recently seemed to object to anything named in this way. Another 18 days to
go yet so I guess there’s still time!
:thinking: :smiley:

Edited to add: I would never go to anything like that anyway. As for fighting like some do over material possessions, that’s ridiculous and out of the question too!