What were some of the Movies you watched as a teenager?

I vividly remember A Towering Inferno.
The first Rocky Movie
Karate Kid.
Deer Hunter
Blade Runner
Animal House
To name a few

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More films that my memory will allow me to recall, but for starters…

Star Wars (Original film before being retitled A New Hope)
Live And Let Die
Planet Of The Apes
Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind
Star Trek The Motion Picture (Terrible film)
Life of Brian / Holy Grail
2001 A Space Odyssey

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There were quite a lot but Dr Zhivago,Mary Poppins and Far from the Madding Crowd left quite an impression. They weren’t my choice but at least they gave me the opportunity to sit next to a girl in the dark.

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The first Cinemascope movie I saw was Rose Marie (starring the bloody awful Howard Keel I think) which they had the nerve to show at Saturday morning pictures.

A Three Stooges movie gave me nightmares (in an Egyption tomb) but forget the name.

And one of my favourite movies as a child - Elephant Walk - was the biggest load of rubbish when I saw it as an adult.

I loved Fantasia when I first saw it and still do, as well as all the other Walt Disney cartoons though I think Dumbo was my favourite.

But as a teenager films like Reach for the Sky , The Guns of Naverone and anything with Brigit Bardoe and Julie Christie in it

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I didn’t go to too many movies as a teenager since someone would need to drive me there. By the time someone could drive, there were other things to do.

But some movies I remember when I was a young teenager are Fiddler on the Roof and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I loved Snoopy movies too, and might have seen a couple as a young teenager.

When I was a bit older, I saw Indiana Jones, Star Wars, and Deer Hunter (hated that; I was on a date, ugh)

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Grief, that’s going back some…

Bond films
The Oddessa File
A Bridge Too Far
Watership Down

I’m sure there were others, just struggling to remember at this point in time.

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