I found this little nugget about the real cause of the fire…
Net Zero will be the death of all of us, it must be stopped now.
I found this little nugget about the real cause of the fire…
Net Zero will be the death of all of us, it must be stopped now.
And they want to build a fourth runway? madness
flights were diverted to our towns local airport Up to 2,000 people passed through Shannon Airport in the early hours of Friday morning when their flights were diverted unexpectedly mid-air [due to the closure of Heathrow.The Co Clare airport accommodated six affected flights from Toronto, Atlanta, Bridgetown (Barbados), Boston, Orlando, and Newark.By just after noon, all of the affected passengers had departed the airport, having been bused to hotels at short notice.There is no timeline yet for when those affected by the travel disruption will resume their journey.
I think I would much prefer to land at Shannon airport than Heathrow, even if there hadn’t been a power outage Feey…As a self employed courier I used to deliver passports from the processing building in Sheffield to Heathrow for all deportees, it was time sensitive work.
Heathrow resembled some middle eastern airport and a bad place for a Yorkshire bloke to visit, but the money was brilliant…
Horrible airport, about twenty five years ago there was a bit of a crisis. I can’t remember the precise details but the main computer crashed. All flights were eventually cancelled, the communication to the passengers was virtually nonexistent, absolute chaos!
It was a transformer that caught fire, they are filled with oil and this burned off, for some reason the diesel generators didn’t kick in to take over the power supply, no mention of biomass energy that I can find…
It was just Bruce Willis, doing his job!
The mouse in the wheel went on strike
Well I found it easy enough on X (formerly twitter) Primus…
you don’t the the MSM are going to speak any wrong about net zero do you…
There you go, x, every thing on there is true….!
We are all going to die sooner or later so why not all at the same time?
the chap that runs the place said that backup systems did kick in, but they don’t have enough power to run the whole airport. So they can’t process passengers and such although things like air traffic control and other key functions are backed up by the local generator. To run the whole airport, luggage processing, shops, conveyor belts, air stairs etc, would require a whole substation that stands idle until there’s an emergency.
The fire looks to be an act of sabotage. I guess we will have to wait and see the investigation reports.
perhaps it was sabotaged by someone who is against that development? I mean it will be totally ruled out now won’t it.
It is fascinating how wrong you are - but I’m sure you found and shared an article in good faith (and because it aligns with your views).
The fire in the Hayes substation was almost certainly caused by over heating of the coolant oil on a transformer. This was a large fire that impacted the whole of the substation - thus cutting off electricity to Heathrow. Nothing to do with any problems with the biomass energy centre at T2.
It gets worse. The article you shared is about as misinformed and misleading as you can get. It creates a false set of issues that are pure anti-net zero and fake (no wonder you liked it). First the T2 biomass centre provides heating to T2 and T5 - through 600mm thermal pipes. Not electricity. And it was in operation, not switched off awaiting emergency demand. Second, Heathrow use diesel generators for back up - and these were used yesterday and worked. However they can’t replace the demand of all requirements at Heathrow. Just critical demands. So there was not enough power for non-critical requirements - like baggage conveyors, escalators, etc. So they shut the airport.
A little simple checking confirms the story you shared is pretty much all lies. And no need to get so worried about net zero.
Checked with whom though Lincs? I’m afraid that these days one must be very critical of the supposed official statement put out by the BBC etc.
Just once X might be right and all you doubting Thomas’s out there will have egg on your faces.
B’ck B’ck B’ck clerck…
Therefore, IMO the Bucholz relay failed to disconnect the primary windings.
Well, x is owned by herr musk, that thoroughly decent and honest person, no one knows where posters are from, even the White House regurgitated misinformation from the Kremlin, so, with everything online, it must be taken with a pinch of salt
The original post OGF found was from a telegraph headline. The woodchip fueled T2 energy centre was only meant to provide heat and power to two terminals at Heathrow (T2 and T5). It doesn’t appear to have been set up as a backup generator and it wasn’t designed to power the whole airport.
The extract OGF found isn’t blaming the fire on the T2 energy centre. It’s saying that Heathrow couldn’t function using just power from the T2 energy centre, but that’s clear as it wasn’t designed for Heathrow to function.
You ever tried getting the Woodchip off the walls, even with a steamer?
Checked with common sense. Which you appear to lack. You suck up fake news with a hungry appetite. No egg on your face because you’ve eaten it all up. Don’t re-post pish unless you like to look silly.