What was your last dream?

I woke up this morning after watching a Fighter Jet Plane fall out of the sky.
It did not fall straight down but almost floated like it was very light.
It fell on the other side of the house and exploded with a huge ball of fire. The house protected us from the shock wave.
Rang the emergency people, gave them the address, corner Willow and Fey St, Fremantle.
For some reason no neighbours came to look at the wreckage
Fire went out almost immediately. Truck and crane came and took the wreak away inside 1/2 hour.
There was no news reports of the incident

Back in the crazy years, as usual :laughing:

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Last nights dream was far too raunchy to post on the forum…
At least, I think it was a dream…


It was a dream.


I dreamed I was wandering around the stalls at a car boot sale trying to find my daughter. Her phone was ringing but she wasn’t answering, only to wake & my phone was ringing & it was my daughter waking me early to go with her to a car boot sale. It was pitch dark at 6 a.m. too.

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I vaguely remember when I used to dream about girls… now I dream about nothing in particular, probably better that way :+1: