What time do you normally wake up / go to bed?


Life is not all about 9 to 5.

A remarkable number of people work shifts to cover 24/7.

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Depends on my plans of course. On a normal day I go to sleep around 12am MST, and wake up around 05amMST. If I am planning night shots(photography) I might be up all night.

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Usually go to bed around midnight and wake up about 5.30am that’s if I can get to sleep
im a bit of an insomniac

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@Azz I thought I had noticed odd times on some of your posts Azz and wondered how you managed them? You are as bad as the rest of us when it comes to keeping strange hours it seems! All in a good cause though as this site really is getting going now, thanks to all your efforts! :grinning:

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Well, I went back to bed at 2.30am but was still awake turned 5am @Azz
Next thing I remember is waking up at 8.am :smiling_face:

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Gone are the days when I had to get up at 06:15am and went to bed before 23:00. Now it’s midnight with lights out at about 00:45 and not up with the lark at about 09:00.

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