What tea do you drink

Who was that character in Father Ted that was always banging on about tea?

You have to be careful with this as it raises blood pressure

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PG tips or Darjeeling

An interesting fact is that if you wee a lot then cut out the caffeine and try decaf tea

Usually Bushells Leaf Tea

Occasionally Nerada

I’m having a mug of it now

No tea bags allowed in this house

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I have one mug of tea per day, Mrs d00d brings it to my boudoir at 06:00 
 Tetley, I think, a spot of milk, no sugar.

Can Ya ride Tandem?

Whatever’s on offer.At the moment we have a dozen boxes of PG tips.

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I don’t drink a lot of tea but when I do it’s decaf Yorkshire.
It makes a lovely cuppa .

Don’t drink tea .
Have you seen what it does to cups?

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Black tea stains cups 
 add a splash of milk.

Doesn’t work on teaspoons though.

I haven’t had tea in a long time, but I used to drink a lot of peppermint tea before bed. I would eat a sweet treat with some peppermint tea every night. The sweet may not have been a good idea but I loved the sweet and mint combination.

Just soak in boiling/hot water with a denture tablet chucked in. Stains just wipe off.

I don’t have dentures but I wouldn’t be without denture cleaning tablets they are fantastic.

[quote=“Ripple, post:28, topic:94170, full:true”]
I don’t drink a lot of tea but when I do it’s decaf Yorkshire.
It makes a lovely cuppa .
[/quote] Thats my tea belly sisters go to tea.

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What tea stains my dishwasher laughs at tea stains.

Ha ha I believe you .
Dish washing tablets have a similar effect .

Sainsburys red box full fat tea

This thread has reminded me that l must buy some more tea!! :laughing:

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Sea salt crackers too

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To go with Saint Agur blue cheese!

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