What takes a lot of time but is totally worth it?

Taking the single Ski lift, the one you put in between your legs and get pulled up the mountain solo, but great, as you can take in the whole scenery on the way up, then, when you reach the top and disembark, fun all the way

That looks amazing Tiff, and so much funā€¦ :+1:t2:
Somebody should start a threadā€¦If you were to attend, who would you come as?


Convincing Mrs Fox that I need a new droneā€¦ :helicopter:


If I had the costume, Iā€™d be Daenerys from Game of Thrones. I would love to own dragons.


Looking at those pictures, and answering the OP i should imagine the two Transformers costumes, not really into Transformers, too old by the time they appeared here in UK, great costumes though

The yellow one is Bumblebee, donā€™t know who the other one is, but yes, Transformers. They are brilliant costumes & must be very hot to wear.

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Knitting socks. Well worth the effort though. These are the only socks my husband and son will wear now. They are made to measure so no toe pinching or bulkiness. They are very comfy and wash in the machine @ 30C. They do not make your feet smell.

Knitting my husband purple ones at the moment.


at our age.



@Furryanimal Clay barring of oneā€™s automobile after a prolonged period of washing without some dedicated polishing afterwards.
How to Use a Clay Bar: 13 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

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