What secrets did you keep from your parents/guardians?

We’ve had the one where parents kept secrets from you, so now it’s your turn to share what you kept from them.
I was a right devious git where my grandparents (my guardians) were concerned with the worst one being very quietly accepting money from their pub’s clientele which I knew was forbidden … norty scallywag😁


As a teenager, just about everything!

Where I was going, who with, who I was dating, how much I drank, spent, smoked………

During my first marriage, how awful it was and how unhappy I was

After my divorce, how little money I had. Dad used to give me a lift to get our weekly shopping and I used to spread my little bit of shopping into lots of carriers to put in the car, so it looked as if I’d bought more


Something similar.
I’d light a candle, hold it in front of a spray can of furniture polish and press the button… hey presto, instant flame thrower!

How I didn’t blow myself to kingdom come I’ll never know!

Don’t try this at home kids :018:

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Same here: almost everything that was potentially fraught with problems, risks, or danger because, after having lost my brother and his fiancée, her parents, and her husband within three years, my mother couldn’t handle any uncertainties or major problems. So she heard the success stories only.

None tbh,i was never good at hiding things from them,they could read me like a book.

Probably smoking.