What’s your favorite way to while away the hours?

I may binge watch a DVD Series.
I very often sit all day at the local oval and watch Cricket or Baseball
I may go bush and sit by a Babbling Brook

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I like working, its good for the soul.

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Sleep. Best done at night as there is nothing else worth doing

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What if one dreams about working?

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Netflix, Prime Video, crosswords, simulation games on my tablet, reading, pottering outside on our land, star-gazing or playing around on my piano and singing . It’s true that music, whether it’s playing an instrument or singing, is a way of expressing your feelings when you find it difficult to do it through speech which doesn’t give you the beneficial, healing effect that music does. It’s soothing for the mind. Is there a famous quote about this? I don’t remember at the moment. :thinking:

And of course, a favourite way is also talking to all you lovely people on this forum :smile:


Online jigsaw and an audio book.


Shopping,i find it relaxing,not clothes shopping though.
And of course being on this forum and do on you tube for a while.


@Bretrick Apart from on-line amusements, my spare time if I have any, is usually taken up down in my music workshop or helping Ukrainians I share my house with, to improve their English language skills. My Ukranian also need polishing (now there’s an understatement😉), so we help each other. Ukranian language is not unlike Russian, so I’m often becoming both confused and mixing both up … not good in mid conversation😁

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Depends entirely on mood. I do a lot of photography work on my PC, or I’m tweaking my PC in some manner. Sometimes I may even play a game on my PC. Perhaps watch a DVD or a YouTube video and in exceptional circumstances, get my old guitar out and add to the local noise pollution. Then I have a garden which keeps looking at me to do something in. Maybe go for a drive and walk if the weather’s nice.

I have to look busy or “Mrs Graham” will find something for me to do.