Probably done on e scooters these days
…we ate sweets out of a paper bag
Had milk delivered on the doorstep - and was never afraid of leaving a “no milk today” note in the bottle
Had fun with board games
Had cars made out of metal and not bothered with sharp edges
Given the slipper if we were bad in school
Lived with only three TV channels…and on a black and white telly
Made our own entertainment long before computers
Going to the cinema was a massive occasion and it was always packed and showed great films
Watched TV which was so heavy it took two people to move it
Christmas seemed to last for ages and was always special time when we was younger
A “playlist” consisted of a stack of 45rpm singles on a record player
Yes, likewise!
Blackberry and apple pies are still a good dessert
What about whole baked apples (preferably Bramley apples). The core is removed and stuffed with raisins, cinnamon and brown sugar. Definitely a granny’s favourite!
When you had to turn the box on five minutes before your favourite programme started because the TV had to warm up.
Had free school milk at primary school! Third pint bottles. Ice on the top in winter and warm and a bit creamy in hot summer. Had to drink it! Horrid! I only use soya now!
Umm…a tad before my time
Out all day…came home when the street lights came on
…would watch series like The Avengers, The Congressman, Flipper, Fury, Lassie, Gunsmoke. Thought Star Trek was utterly boring. Never watched it.
no tv for me at that age, we listened to the radio, stay up half an hour extra on sunday evening to listen to Journey into space
Same here. I was 17 before we got a telly. No electricity on the croft until 1954.
We were farmers but we did have electricity - I was 1946 then. Mind you, the heating was basic.
Never had them.
I do remember free milk at school.
Yea gods !
I loved it in winter in summer yuk !
Wow really
We had a black and white tv but we didn’t have a fridge until I was 15. (1982)
Cave dwellers.
We had a fridge in the sixties , it was the tiniest fridge and had a minute little icebox
That held a small black of Wallis ice cream and a packet of fish fingers …
We were not allowed to take stuff out without permission .
Who would need a fridge or a freezer when there was ice on the inside of the windows?