What’s Worse

Artangel,i think the fly would be a little doremant as the fridge would be too cold and dark for it to feast on anything.

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Picture this…

Shortcake (aka me) can’t reach my cupboard where I store my baking stuff. I don’t use baking utensils everyday.

So, I stand on a stool to get to my baking utensils. I reach into the cupboard and low and behold, my worst nightmare makes an appearance!

I see the two black beady eyes of a spider :spider: peering up at me from the top of my hand! They’re enormous close up eh!!! And that hairy legs!!! Yikes!

Of course, I’m terrified of spiders, so I let out an earth shattering scream! And I…wait for it, jUmP from the high chair!
Legs flailing in the air! Hands up :raised_hands: and out jumps the offending little critter too! Possibly at the shock of my earth wrenching screams.

I land on my butt. Thankfully, it’s a rather ample butt so a soft landing but still sore!

My teenage son comes running of course and bursts out laughing at the sight of me. Of course, that little bugger spider got away! :spider:


You win. That’s worse. :cold_sweat:

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I can’t even… :see_no_evil:

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I reckon next time you reach into that cuipboard you’ll be wearing gloves. Or better still, full PPE :joy:

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The big concern for me would be knowing the little nightmare is in the house and likely to re-appear anywhere, anytime. :scream:

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I had an episode with a tiny spider in my ear the other day , after cutting a large shrub , i felt something crawling round the outside of my ear lobe , I thought Id knocked it off but then felt it crawling inside .
I poked around abit inside with my little finger and rubbed it out …
The funny thing is , ive been experincing a crackling in that ear for a week or more , now im wondering if ive got a nest of them that come out now and again .


Actually, I baked last week Thursday and I still get the hibbie jibbies when I reach into the cupboard. I let out a yelp because I thought I’d felt something brush my hand.


Oh my word!

That’s the stuff of horror movies!

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My heart actually jumped for a minute…such a creepy thing! :scream:

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I agree… just hope i dont wake up in a web.

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They’re terrifying! I’m terrified of creepy crawlers!

Well, you could end up with spider superpowers :woman_superhero:

I’m sorry, I think that was me! :grinning:

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LOL now that would be something , me climbing up the side of a building .

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What were you doing lurking around in my baking cupboard!

Did nobody tell you ? I am the real Spiderman. :smiley:

You haven`t got it on camera have you Minx ?.
You could share the fun with us.
Jokingly aside,i would have done the same,i am not a lover of anything that moves faster than me.

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Bloody hell did you HAVE to post that?

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