What’s the one inaccuracy in the movies that drives you insane

Cops shouting to a suspect from 50 metres away resulting in a contrived foot race instead of walking up to the suspects and cuffing them.


lol yes Fruitcake, it winds me up too… ‘stop police’ 'oh no there running away
then the car chase weaveing in and out the traffic, the the bad guys lean out the car window and fire ten shots at the cop car ten yards behind them and miss with all of them…riviting



The criminals are usually younger and faster than the officers chasing them, at least here in the UK.

They are not Olympic athletes.

The car chases.

Here in the UK the Police pursuit drivers are highly trained.

You can always tell an unmarked pursuit or observation firearms car.

They are automatics, unlike in the movies you cannot maintain control of a car whilst firing a gun unless it is an automatic.

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Man kicking the bucket. There just happens to be a bucket next to his foot. Never in real life.

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luckily i can tell the difference between movies and real life… i mean can you even imagine trying to run wi all that gear on…
but their level of fittness should be higher, theres far too many big fat coppers, they should be better paid and have a fitness course to complete once a year…
lol yes i know we would have even less coppers then… but they spend hours filling out reports, they should give an audio report that could be typed out by a clerk leaving the cops more time on the beat…