What’s a strange occurrence you’ve experienced but have told very few people?

1991, Tasmania, secluded farm 1 am, Woken by Crying Baby, no baby in house. Repeated 4 nights in a row


17/04/1997 encountered a stranger in the the street, walking in the opposite direction, I said “Good Morning”, they reciprocated.


I’ve mentioned this here before but I’ll tell it again for newbies…

On my own in the house sat on the Sofa my cat laid asleep beside me…suddenly the room went cold and my cat woke up…her hair stood on end and her eyes followed something around the room…I know it sounds daft but it was so real so much so I called out…who’s there? With that the room temperature normalised and my cat curled up and went back to sleep…no laughing ok but I’m sure it was a ghost…


Oh my gawd, you’re scary, probably traumatized them for life………

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I have quite a lot of experiences like that, but I don’t tell anybody because they’d just think I’m nuts!

The most recent was when I was asleep and woken up by a loud voice saying very clearly, “MUM”, nothing else

Freaked me out so much I phoned both my children the next day to see if they were OK! Didn’t tell them why though……


Same with me. A few experiences that I tell no one about because they would look at me as if I have a mental problem.
I went on a paranormal site once and posted about one of my experiences and was thoroughly criticised and mocked for making stuff up. On a supposed Paranormal site for those who have experiences.
So my experiences remain mine. I find them fascinating and exhilarating. No fear.


Being a paranormal investigator and in to meta physics I have witnessed so many strange occurances whilst with other people who also witnessed them I know I wouldn’t be believed .
I would be told I’m bonkers so I won’t relate them .


Maree…I know how unsettling that is …I sometimes hear someone call my name very loudly and for no reason

There’s no-one there just me…very weird

I’m glad It hasn’t happened for a while


I’m glad it’s not just me, I know it’s silly but I disturbed for a couple of days and I can still hear it in my head


Many a time I have told my missus and a few others about my weird dreams. But they don’t think I am nuts…they know I am nuts. :slight_smile:


I think I know what’s happened

I can tick off at least 13 of these……the devil has my soul!

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I was in the kitchen when i heard footsteps above me in our bedroom,i assumed it was Mr H,wrong he was behind me about to ask if i was just upstairs,we checked it out but nothing,and it has happened often.

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Just be thankful its not a clog dancer. :slight_smile: sorry could not resist that one.


Are you sure that it wasn’t some kind of fox or something outside. They can sound very human sometimes. We have quite a few around here. You’d think that someone had been attacked!

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please continue it’s fascinating especially for those of us who never experience anything like this - we feel left out??

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At 5:30 am one morning (9months pregnant) I heard a male voice speak my name twice. My husband was sleeping the the next room, checked to see if it was him. No, he was snoring. Went back to bed, happened again. Then, my contractions started, and an hour and a half later, my daughter was born!
My mother had a brother stillborn, on that same birthdate! My grandmother felt it was him telling me it was time to go to the hospital. Just one instance of many unexplained occurrences over the decades I’ve had. Only one time was I scared. It’s been almost a comfort for me to know some special spirit watches over me.