What On Earth, Am I Growing Now?

I saw this little plant growing in one of my large pots. I hadn’t planted it, it just grew itself!
I have described it to google… that states, it’s Cannibas!..What? I am a law abiding citizen!
It is only tiny but looks bigger in the pic. l have a feeling it’s a common tree of some sort and l have enough trees without more!

Any ideas? Thank You, if you can help me.

It looks like Stinking Hellebore or maybe a cultivated hellebore?

I remember taking some Stinking Hellebore to work and my colleagues thought it was cannabis!


I was just about to say its Cannabis :joy:

Arty, put it in a smaller pot and prune it so it becomes a Bonsai?

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Doesn’t look like cannabis.
Maybe smoke a couple of leaves just to be sure?


Hellebore .
I have some they really are boring as they never flower

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Virgina Creeper , or Poison Ivy

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I think it might be a Hellebore as l do have some growing elsewhere in my garden. They are more full looking than his little plant.
How it ended up growing in a pot some way away from where they are, is a miracle. I suppose, the wind blew a seed up the garden!
Nature is marvellous.

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