What makes for a meaningful life?

What makes for a meaningful life ?

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Not to be glib, but that it has meaning to the person living it.

[with a caveat for people who are not in the right frame of mind to appreciate the meaning]

I will rephrase what makes a life meaningful ?
Interests family ambitions etc

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Do you mean what makes your life meaningful for you? (specific you answering the question)

There isn’t a single general answer to the broader question.

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I would say family and friends, then pursuing what interests you and the things you love, and standing up for what you think is right. But I’m very laidback and not ambitious or materialistic and I sort of agree with this quote from Amber Sparks;


If you are going to analyse the heck out of every new topic heading there soon will be none !
Let everyone answer what they will .


Hmmm … 42!

I think a meaningful life, is one in which you are content and happy with. You are satisfied with what you have done or achieved so far, and have little to no regrets.


Well,I’m reasonably healthy,with no money worries, have three Children,four Gnd/Children and two grt/grandchildren…All seem to be fine…I love Them…They love Me…Regrets…I’ve had a few,but then again,too few to mention.la la la :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Do I get pissed-off with Life sometimes?..of course I do…do I wish I’d done some things differently.?.sure…but all in all…I’m still alive n kickin’…THAT’S meaningful enough for Moi…Ask Me again in 10 years time :wink:


Being a deep thinker I often wonder why we are here, especially because life is so full of trials and tribulations and I get to thinking ‘what’s the point.’ From the day we are born we are dying so why bother to put us here in the first place.

I do try hard to focus on the good things in life and remember that my very being ‘means’ a lot to the ones who love me and vice versa if that makes sense

for me to make a meaning for my life I have to go out and look for it, it doesn’t come to me. Too many expect the good things in life to just come to them, it doesn’t work like that, we have to go find it.

Saying all that, there are some humans on the planet that no matter how hard they try, good just will not come to them, I am talking about the people of the 3rd world who have no water or food.
I certainly would question the meaning of life if I were born into such cruelty of nature.

But, for all of us, a sense of belonging and purpose is needed in life, without this there would be no meaning at all.

Sometimes I make no sense and struggle to express my meaning so it’s a good job I know what I mean LOL.


I’m glad you used the word ‘purpose’ Queenie, because for me life having meaning means life having purpose.
It may revolve around your family, your job/career, or your friends, or a combination of all kinds of things.
I think having a sense of purposelessness must be the worst kind of feeling.


To look back without regrets having achieved contentment…


I very much agree with Amber too.And always try to remember to treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.


A life with mistakes and failures and successes and yet having as little regret as possible…


Maybe in my case it has been a full life. Early days with my parents on the farm, school, uni, electrical eng, world travel, three kids, three grand kids, first wife, second wife. And a dog.

Meaningful? I think so.

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Think probably means different things to each and every person. Depend what stage life in.
Today I say being happy and content with what have, and who share it with.

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Sadly, lacking a sense of purpose can be a real problem in old age, knowing you haven’t got long left to achieve any thing or anyone who needs you to care for them.

My mum was dad’s carer at the end and after he died she just didn’t seem to find her life meaningful. Just living for herself and trying to enjoy her own life didn’t give her any sense of purpose.

Meaningful life? Bollux. Life is existence. You exist and then die. How you live your life probably comes to terms with the last breath you take. Make the most of your existence. Be strong and stand up for your self and those you love. Modern life is complete nonsense. Made to be.

:rofl: It’s being so cheerful that keeps you going, isn’t it, Mainman?

Never mind, at least I know what to get you for Secret Santa now ….

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Far too negative. No joy is apparent.

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