What is your favourite cheese?

What’s your favourite and how do you like it served?

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Cheddar and in an omelette.

Yes, me too.

Cheddar or Red Leicester (number 3 on Tesco’s strength scale) on a sandwich with some branston pickle, or Onion, or with an On-the-Vine Tomato…Yum!

Stilton and sweet beetroot

All things considered, a Danish Blue or Stilton. Both eaten plain or with cherry tomatoes.

Mozzarella Sticks from the Pizza place.


on toast, in an omelette, on crispy potato slices served with chicken Kiev, in a sandwich, on hot crumpets.

Wensleydale with apricots, on biscuits for cheese.

Marmite cheddar, just occasionally.

Cheese spread, on toast or crumpets.

Wensleydale - the proper stuff - served in lovely big chunks - frequently!!:-D:-D

Which is yours, Minx?

I bet your toilet gets very little use Tabby…:shock:

What doyou think card tables are for ?


Cheese is no longer part of my life.

That is the aftermath of so many heart attacks.

I like most cheeses, mature cheddar cheese spread with tomato on a crusty roll, also fried halloumi…

It’s Cheddar for me and Wensleydale with apricots for special occasions. :smiley:


Never has that effect on me, Foxy, nothing does - have a very efficient digestive system!:smiley:

I am not even going to ask!:shock:

A mature cheddar
On crusty bread with a pickle or tomatoes

And Boursin on Ritz crackers (sings… “I’m in heaven”)

Mature Cheddar in chunks
Fresh Mozzarella sliced with tomatoes in a Caprese salad
Grated Parmigiana Regiana or Pecorino on pasta dishes

Cottage cheese with pineapple pieces.
In a sandwich.