What is your favorite day of the year?


Be proud of yourself Twink, I have finally listened and learnt, some what late in life, but have got there.

I still push myself, but only when I have help with me and I do what they say.

I had a come one, we are going now, today when I was enjoying myself and had what I dismissed as a twinge.


You have gone grey, all the colour has gone from you face, you have beads of sweat.

OK Then

Home 20 minutes later, did not feel well, medication, lay down and it went.

Resting now for the rest of the day and not doing anything stupid.

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November the fifth,
A home display was always something a little bit special, lighting the blue touch paper, the smokey gunpowder atmosphere, hot chocolate and mulled wine!

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My BH’s birthday.

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Never too old :grinning:

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Time for cricket :cricket_bat_and_ball:

Always good :grinning:

Loved this day as a kid

Big fan of New Years Eve. The day rather the night and its celebrations…tho they are fun of course.
To me, feels like a reset. A chance to reflect, take stock and set your mind for what is coming…

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AKA Hogmanay !


Well okay. I had heard the term before but had no idea what it related to. Not something you will hear said here.
So there you go…perhaps you really can learn something new everyday :grin:

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Every day that I awake with a pulse… :grinning:


The first day of any holiday from work!
Especially the summer one :grin:


We Scots are a mine of information !


Spring when all the flowers are coming alive and wildlife babies are being born.

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With @carol and @PixieKnuckles here - my favourite day is the day the clocks go forward. (Which means, by definition, my least favourite day of the year is the one, coming up in a few weeks, when the clocks go back :018:)


Haha! I wondered who would be the first to mention that! :joy:


Well yes - I think it probably is!!

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21st June - I love Midsummer when it’s the longest day of the year. Watching the sunrise in the middle of the night.

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I don’t have a favourite day of the year.

I LOVE every day…:heartpulse:

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