What is the worst thing you have ever eaten?

Oh Shirley darlin’ - you positively cannot rubbish liver - its fabulous in a liver and bacon casserole!!!

It is rare to find a bird complete with giblets nowadays, but, whenever I have found a turkey with them have simmered them for a while to add the stock to the gravy, then finely chopped the liver and heart and added to the stuffing mix, (fed the gizzard to the cat), funny thing is that everyone who has eaten this stuffing has asked what has made it so tasty. :lol: Oh and the neck goes into the roasting tin with the bird as my son loves to pick at it.

My greatest hate has to be pasta of any description. It is excrutiatingly disgusting and has no taste or nutrional value in itself. Also, there’s no way on this planet that I would eat squid or octopus but, most importantly of all, and I have said this many times here, I would never dream of eating any form of currently existing wildlife, and I only eat sustainable fish.

Most folk need to have a certain palate to appreciate certain foods. Curry, for instance. For most folk you have to learn to appreciate the subtle flavourings and spices, and there are many types of curries. Some mild, some medium, some hot, and I must admit, 40 years ago I’d never eaten any spicy food until I was gradually introduced to it; thereafter my palate changed into appreciating the blends of spices and I now use them regularly in my meals, which are very healthy to the diet, most especially garlic and onions which can help to combat the common cold. Because of the use of these two bulbs, I haven’t had a cold for almost eight years, and I stand by the use of them. :wink:

Oh Mollie, pasta, a bit like rice, rarely tastes of much on its own, but it is down to the additional ingredients in a dish which make it such a versatile and delicious meal, a simple dish of pasta and home made pesto is a delight. But it has to be cooked ‘just right’ over cook it and you are right, it is sloppy and disgusting, but al dente and it is great. Lasagne, bolognaise, proper ravioli, carbonara, marinara, all delicious. And having taken my courage in both hands a few years back and tried both squid and octopus, I found them both delicious. Also tried escargot (a bit chewy and tasted mostly of garlic butter), and frogs legs, both larger ones grilled with again garlic butter, or smaller in a Provençal sauce, both were delicious.

However there are a number of things that people are known to rave over that I find indelible, humous for instance is, to me, like trying to eat liquidised cardboard, taramasalata is slimey and disgusting, I tried an artichoke just the once and for the life of me cannot understand why people rave over them, they are virtually tasteless (apart from the butter you dip the leaves into) and to me are nowhere near the effort it takes to prepare and cook them, and last evening I tried, for the first time, avocado, and found that it was another of those ‘posh’ dishes that are bland and virtually tasteless, with a strange texture.

Oh, and many years ago I was persuaded to taste tripe cooked in milk with onions, a bit like chewing an old flannel.

One thing I hate though is a person turning their nose up at something, without even attempting to try it, and saying “I do not like that” or “I could not eat that”. The way I was brought up was that if someone had put in the time and effort to prepare and cook you a meal, the least you could do was be polite and attempt to eat it, any thing less was rude, I’ll mannered and disrespectful.

When I was growing up, your mum cooked a meal, and you sat down and ate it, and did not leave until you had. There was none of this, “I do not want that, can I have something else instead” business, you ate what you were given, or went without. I think this is probably why I have no patience for picky or fussy eaters.

Although I love seafood, without a doubt the worst thing I have ever eaten is Whelk, it’s like chewing elastic bands and about as tasty yuck. Not too keen on beef either although I have eaten wildebeest, kangaroo and reindeer but the nicest is the Moreton Bay Bug, he isn’t the best looking creature but very, very tasty, mmmmm.

Eh? How else do you eat oysters? Sydney Rock Oysters - Yum!

My most disturbing experience was in Nepal over 40 years ago. Went into a cafe with some friends for a meal and ordered a meat dish; forget what it was exactly but the meat part was goat - it was cooked fresh and was delicious we washed it down with some rice beer.

When we staggered out of the place a couple of hours later we noticed that the goat that had been tied up outside was now dead, skinned and hanging from a peg by the door with part of its hind quarters missing.

I did give fried cockroaches and grasshoppers a miss in Cambodia last year but snake and toad was OK however I dislike food that looks reproachfully at you afterwards.


Do I want to know what that is?!!

Humble Pie.

That was originally a pie made from deer organs or something, wasn’t it?
That thing in the picture looks like something from the Dark Ages!

Boiled cows udder.
My mum (in Holland) brought it back from the butcher, neatly sliced, looked O.K. She didn’t tell us what it was and it didn’t taste too bad, it was just the thought…

I shudder at the sight of anyone eating tripe!:shock:

When I was a little sprog Mummy would force feed me with the ruddy stuff.


Toad anyone?

Straight from the paddy field to your table. Lovely tucker with chilli, rice, egg etc

pak choi, apart form having no flavour it wasn’t exactly digestible, it became stuck in my throat as I couldn’t swallow it and caused me to panic!

What a topic, on a par with my post…

“Why does vomit always contain bits of carrot?”

I scrolled down as far as BRUCEs toad & retched.

gasp…fresh air…

Gives a whole new meaning to Toad in the Hole doesn’t it?

Hey RJ wasn’t it Jasper Carott who first mooted the carott in vomit question?

And Honey, we love bok choy steamed or lightly braised, a bit like a cross between celery and white cabbage.

Octopus and squid are the worst thing I have ever eaten…Yeuk!
Horrible fishy taste and the texture…well, I didn’t know whether to suck it, chew it or just swallow it. Never again!

Oh Starry, obviously over cooked, can go rubbery, cooked properly it is tender and delicious.

Hear hear, love calamari and those tiny octopuses (ii?) in a spicy stir fry are to die for.