What is the best weed killer?

Please can someone advise on the most lethal “I’m going kill anything I touch” weed killer - and from where would I buy some?

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The mind boggles! What or who do you want to poison?

Do you know any farmers?

Farmers have strong stuff, try some sort of agricultural store.
My old neighbour used to use old engine oil, not nice! You could try salt or boiling water.
Let us know if you find something, I have nextdoor’s bamboo growing from under my bungalow, nothing seems to kill it!

Many weedkillers have been banned on environmental grounds and rightly so, so pretty much the only weedkillers you can get now are systemic, which kills the plant but doesn’t contaminate the soil. The best of these commonly available that I know of is Roundup, but to be effective the weed has to be growing and fairly leafy to have the optimum effect. I think there are “extra strong” versions of this too, all depends on the plant you are trying to kill…

As Barry says, buy a bottle of Roundup or some other glyphosphate weedkiller. Don’t forget to wear gloves, eye protection and a mask when using it though.

Roundup is harmful to animals isn’t it?

I thought all weedkillers were?

They’re harmful to us too that’s why I said use PPE.

What’s PPE Percy? :confused:

Oh Mups, where’ve you been these last few months? PPE = Personal Protective Equipment.

The weedkiller is harmless once dried, just keep animals away while it is being applied… (common sense really I guess) :slight_smile:

As has been said anything with glyphosate should do the trick but you will probably need to treat what ever it is (what is it?!) a couple of times. From memory I think it is particularly harmful to fish but as Barry said once it dries it is OK for pets.
I could go up to my shed and look but I am too lazy :mrgreen:

Doesn’t neat bleach kill weeds?

not according to my Vet. I mentioned to her that I was worried the dog might have a funny tummy because the council had been spraying the pavements with weed killer and she was sure they would be using one that is ok for pets.

Thanks Barry, that is good to know.

While we’re on the subject, is there anything that can kill grass? I have a small patch of lawn that I wish to cover with a plastic sheet/membrane and then cover that with some suitable pebbles/gravel.


You need a friendly Farmer, they can get the stuff in much higher concentrations than the public.

Can’t you just get a spade under the grass roots and dig up the grass? I did it recently where Sue had scalped most of it so had to replace with new turf

Cover it with something like a bit of old carpet, something that won’t let the light through. Might take a month or two but it will kill it and no nasty chemicals :023: