What is something you would like to master?

But for some reason do not have the time or wherewithal to complete.
I would love to learn to play the guitar. Then I could sit around the campfire, under the Milky Way and play some funky tunes. :slightly_smiling_face:


Piano (childhood lessons proved futile) or any musical instrument except Brass.You have to think of the neighbours.


Jack of all trades, master of none, thatā€™ll do :laughing:

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Tried to play the guitar for years but never managed it .


Playing blues guitar. I got so far with it, but ā€œlifeā€ tended to get in the way of practice and I put it down and never really took it seriously after that. I may on occasion pick it up and have a quick ā€˜noodleā€™ with it when boredom overtakes me.

The other thing would be photography, but Iā€™m struggling to find the opportunity to take the pics I want to take and have to contend with wildlife and flowers, which I want to move away from.

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I bought a handsome dark blue Washburn bass guitar and a second hand amp for my midlife crisis.
The logic being that something with only four strings should be relatively easy to play.

Oh dearā€¦it doesnā€™t work like that.


I want to learn how to tailor a suit and make the best pie Iā€™ve ever eaten. My attempts so far havenā€™t been successful. I can see that time and effort would probably do it, but I donā€™t have the focus for that at the moment.

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Well itā€™s safer than buying a Harley.


And considerably cheaper!


I played guitar for years, I keep threatening to pick it up again. One dayā€¦

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Nice one :guitar: :icon_wink:

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Could you amplify?

Could but no point, when one is Ample enough

As an accomplished guitar player and master of several other instruments, I would really like to play the Hurdy-gurdy, but first I would have to find a good one to buy. This youngster seems to be happy and Iā€™m sure I would be too if I owned one :+1:


I think this is the first time I have come across this one.
Nice name for it.
I wonder why a Hurdy-Gurdy? :slightly_smiling_face:

Iā€™m completely ignorant of such things LongDriver but it looks expensive.

I recommend Patty Gurdy


Complete lack all such skills!

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Terrificā€¦ thoroughly enjoyed that :+1:

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Wow, unusual instrument.
Has it been around long?
400 - 500, 1000 years?

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