What is something you rarely see now?

Something that used to be very common here was Police Cars on the road.
Very rare here in Perth now. Hear them late every night with sirens blaring. During the day? Zilch
Also Speed Cameras. It must be over 2 years since I passed a roadside Speed Camera.

They hide speed cameras in cars here.Perhaps they’ve adopted that there? :grinning:

I know that some police cars have mobile speed cameras.

They install them in parked unmarked cars here :grinning:

A motorcycle with sidecar is rarely seen these days
In the UK at least, side-cars were only popular up until the early 1960s. That’s because in the 1950s many working class people couldn’t afford cars, and once people started having families, the quick solution to mobility was to attach a sidecar to the father’s motorcycle (and it would have been the father - women really didn’t ride motorcycles in any significant number). That way a family of four could become mobile. As the 1960s dawned, cars became more affordable and the motorcycle and sidecar combination faded away (and it was also the period when women increasingly learned to drive). There were some attempts to produce light cars using three wheels which could be driven on a motorcycle licence,


Speed cameras are absolutely everywhere here in London. ÂŁ400 million was made last year

“The total income received was not given but is thought to be more than £400million” says the DM

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In NSW all the speed cameras have a big sign warning you that they are there.

My youngest son was ropable when he got booked in Victoria by a speed camera, they don’t have signs warning you there.

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You don’t see skate boards much these days, a few years back every kid seemed to have one.

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In London you need to look out for a yellow box. I think they are all like that but not totally sure.

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A Geezer with a Birds haircut.

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Plenty of Police Cars where I live.

Unfortunately you never see one when they are needed.

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I rarely see an ice cream van coming round the streets. They all seem to have a “pitch”
And hardly ever see the Rag ‘n’ Bone man

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Actually we get one or twice a week in our street. He rings his bell to let us know when he is there. Recently he collected our dishwasher in the same day. Convenient for us.

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scrap metal merchants, yes they’re still around.

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