You wouldn’t have to wait that long if you looked at me.
@butterscotch @Bretrick For me, it has to be that dreadful and widely used word KIDS.
I was a child as was my wife and we raised children. None of those four were referred to as our kids.
A young person is a child and a young goat is a kid. There is a vast difference!
Here in South Yorkshire all children are referred to as kids - sprogs - or brats or little angels depending what area you come from LongDriver…
Gets my goat every time.
No good bleating about it .
My granny used to hate people calling their grandmother Nan or Nanny, we’d never have dared
“I’m not a bloody goat!”
I agree. Granny. Grandma. Grandmother.
Where on earth did ‘nanny’ come from. We don’t call Grandpa ‘billy’
I never minded being called a kid. Even now, as someone enters the room they may say, “Hi kids! How are you”? It infers you are young.
And a goat? Ah…I wouldn’t mind that, either. GOAT= Greatest Of All Time. I’ve been called worse things.
Righto, since we’re really in whinge mode being called dude pees me off… especially when accompanied by Yo!
Chill Bro
Shop assistants who say Hy yah instead of good morning
I always say Good morning , never food morning
Oh shoot
American soapy ‘feelgood’ dramas where the housewives say ‘oh shoot’ instead of 'oh sh1t.
No bruv… innit
When the phone interrupts your breakfast with…“How are we today sir?”
Bad start…
When someone calls me dude, I reply…
I am not a dude, dude. I’m a bloody Aussie mate. I like football, meat pies, kangaroos, holden cars, aeroplane jelly and vegemite
Call me what you like, as long as it isn’t late for my dinner…
Old blokes who watch soapy feelgood movies .
Woke Folk…