What is one guilty pleasure you enjoy too much to give up?

Not only food, but anything
Belgium Waffles, Boysenberry Ice Cream, Whipped Cream, Maple Syrup.

If I’m getting pleasure from it, I try not to feel guilty about it, and I’m mostly successful at that.

A couple things a couple people have tried to shame me about, even though they don’t know much about it. is eating potato chips (crisps) and spending time online.

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A really large fry-up breakfast. I know I shouldn’t, but there are times when I just can’t resist it.

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I’d probably get banned if I mentioned my guilty pleasure.


I haven`t got one.
I do/eat what makes me happy.

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I have a few pleasures but none that make me feel guilty …or at least I don’t see anything wrong in skipping around the garden in a negligee. :person_shrugging:


Sugar in my tea :scream:

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I had a chat with the nurse at the surgery recently, and one of the things she asked me was how much I drink. I’m a good boy I said, 21 units of alcohol , within the recommended limits. I’m afraid she said, it’s now 14 units a week! As in Blackjack, I’ll stick on 21! :beer: :beer:


Me too. :smirk: :grin:


My bbq Pringles. Tried going cold turkey but was back on them a few months later.


Hulu Hoops are very moreish.
A glass of red wine before dinner.

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A glass of white wine with my dinner every night. :blush:

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Ritter make lovely chocolate. Loads of flavours but they are all square bars and the coconut one is divine. It comes in a pale blue wrapper. My guilty pleasure.

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Anything that brings a little pleasure in one’s life, we shouldn’t feel guilty about it!
Not after all the years of feeling guilty we’ve already put in.

Nope. Not feeling guilty at all.