What is it close up pic quiz 3

Try To Identify The Close Up Pictures Of The Objects Below (Some Images May Have Been Flipped Or Rotated)

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  1. fire alarm.

  2. elastic bands.

  3. nails.

  4. monopoly houses & hotels

  5. a revolver

  6. wotsits

  7. binoculars

eta … this is not how I numbered them, it should read 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 12, 15

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  1. Jelly mould
    10 shortbread biscuit

14, walking frame, 15, chain or chain link…

  1. Welders mask
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  1. Nintendo 64 game pad
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13.Computer mouse.

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1 Smoke alarm.
2 elastic bands
4 nails
6. Nintendo 64 game pad
7 monopoly houses & hotels
9 a revolver
11. Welders mask
12 wotsits
13.Computer mouse.
15 binoculars

correct answers still No3 5 8 10 & 14 left to guess

5 thimble???

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  1. A citrus juicer
  2. The Batmobile
  3. Biscuit for dogs
  4. A crutch
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all correct even though numbers are wrong

  1. A citrus juicer
    8 The Batmobile
    10 Biscuit for dogs
    14 A crutch

think if you put a small dot after writing your first number then it shows everything after that numerical order

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Apologies yes I did