What is it about men and womens breasts?

See, in Caveman days (if there was such a thing) Geezers probably did not live long enough for their desire to wane, that’s why there weren’t any philosophers back then. :laughing:

I used to have a few Hobbies Foxy, bet they are Married now or deceased :icon_wink:


Absolute twaddle. :rofl: :rofl:


you misread the title " what is it about men;… and womens breasts - someone pinched the semi- thingy?

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Not if I identified as a female Rhian…

Should’ve been a comma after ‘men’
I’ve given up correcting thread titles, “Monday’s” was bad enough…for a forum where Bots regulate us like the flipping Stasi, their grammar education is total crap.
It’s often not the fault of the thread owner, typos happen.


Well don’t keep us in suspense, do you? :rofl: :rofl:

Na! the tights were making me sweat and I was getting some funny looks in the gentlemans urinal when I had to pull them down…

going down - mens lengeries next floor - all out please you are now in hell!!

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