What if the Sun Exploded suddenly?

I hope I’d be unaware. Sounds like a horrible 8 minutes that won’t make a difference.

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just the tan I’ve always wanted!

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That’s the thing butterscotch, the more you have crammed into your life, the longer it will take to flash before your eyes :laughing:


For some bizarre reason, when I read the thread title, I thought you were talking about The Sun newspaper - I would be cheering if that rag suddenly exploded! :joy: :rofl:

I can’t get my mind around the idea of the real Sun suddenly exploding - it’s so unlikely in our lifetime, I think - if that happened, I probably wouldn’t have time process the information before my demise.

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There was a BBC drama based on sun destroying the earth…It was good and probably would unfold in real life if that was to happen…

Hard Sun is a pre-apocalyptic crime drama set in contemporary London. The protagonists are two mismatched police officers, Charlie Hicks and Elaine Renko, who stumble upon proof that a mysterious cosmic event will destroy the earth in five years, a fact the government is trying to keep secret to avoid complete anarchy. The duo is pursued by MI5 operatives who are trying to silence them for good.[12]

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The interesting scenario is where you will be when death occurs, and, will you have any control over it


Yep, knowing how much the establishment keep from Joe public, we might never know when…
:sunny: Boom…

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well I was lying on bondi beach the other day and thought it had?

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Goodness, what could cause that? Our sun has trillions of years of life left before the helium burns out and eventually becomes a nebula. By the time that happens, we’ll either be extinct or have developed the technology to relocate human life elsewhere.
Our sun is way too small to go supernova and explode.


Sorry, can’t comment, never seen a Sun explode before so, all we have is data :icon_wink:


And computer modelling…The computers don’t do a very good job forecasting the weather further than a week, and they have most certainly got it wrong about the effects of CO2 on the atmosphere.

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We just need to wait, and see.

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Check out the NASA website. They have tons of real imagery from supernovas! :smiley:

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I bet they do. :grin:

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Lots of imaginary :icon_wink:

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It used to be called ‘An Artists Impression’ then it was ‘CGI’ now it’s Al…Who the hell is Al?

I gather that Betelgeuse is due to explode quite soon, in about 100000 years which is soon in cosmological terms. I shan’t wait up.


Here is a cosmologist

ah yes, he belongs to an "over 50’s group " somewhere

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