Parliament Square today …
…forgot to mention … that’s extremely worrying. :surprised:
Brexit latest beamed up to Berlin …
Put some photos in ‘Our Advent Calendar’ and caught a Cat Burglar in the act!!
Can we see?
What have I done with my camera today? Well, at this moment in time I am not allowed to discuss it but my case comes up next Pancake Tuesday.
Amazing the image you can conjure up in your mind from a door hook and a lens cover…
Woo my new camera came with a pancake lens but no case.
You are wasted on a site like this.
odd things that catch my eye…
that’s what it’s all about.
Links didn’t work for me. Sorry.
Yes I’ll try again. It’s proving more difficult than posting the pics on here but I didn’t want to do that because it’s not …
What have you done with your camera today
Thank you d00d.
You are talented and artistic.
Oh do you think so? It’s all a bit one dimensional, wait till you see some of my more artistic offerings.
Bring 'em on!
Yes - they are up there -advent calendar thread - and Christmas threads under “You’ve all heard of …”!:-D:-D
What have I done with my camera?
I have found it.
Next thing is to find the charger.