Drunken squirrel. Squirrel ate some fermented pears off a picnic table.
I imagine there was hell to pay when he got home to mrs squirrel
So funny…bet he had a hangover next day
So funny! He looks totally pie-eyed
Better not tell the Winos. They’ll all be looking for them pears!
Too true John.
So funny, I bet he went off and picked fights then told random stranger squirrels how much he loves ‘em
Poor little thing - fancy putting fermented pears out anyway - very irresponsible - could have killed him!
ST, it was on a picnic table. They didn’t put it out for the squirrel. They did film it, but it might have been too late for them to do anything by that time.
Thanks Butterscotch. Poor little squirrel - bet he had a hangover.
So good the folks caught this on video…no harm done, he/she will wonder what happened when the next day comes.
My wife just watched the video and she reckons he’s just like me after a few pints