Meh, emotions are just a result of hormonal imbalances. I’m over them for good, thank the gods. The last 20 years have been so much simpler and neater without them.
You have no emotions? Are you Vulcan?
I don’t think you can just blame hormones…certainly complex is ‘Us’ and I know how my mood swings are likely to be more hormone related but they don’t just disappear so one day your very balanced…dull even…My upsets have often been family related as I would say I have a very dysfunctional family …too personnel of course to talk about them of course really…but can say when my Mother passed I did not send flowers or go to the Funeral either…My lovely Dad of course I would and did and I sobbed my heart out in the church and everybody seemed to be turning and looking at me that did not help…
So that’s all I should say now…hormones mmmm mixed opinion here
@Rose2 , Nicholas Sparks is one of the best writers of our time! The Notebook is a classic, my favorite of his, and I have also seen the movie. There are those that can tell a story and we feel it, the empathy, and others simply use the words, but no tugs on your heartstrings.
Barbara Taylor Bradford can also tell a story well. I’ve read several of her books over the years, but this movie has the ability to relate her emotional needs as well as feelings. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed in the movie version.
@spitfire , you won’t need Mr. Manilow crooning a tune for two hours if you can find that feeling.
You’ll find it all on your own when it washes over you. And…you’ll be glad for it!
Yes, life is simpler when you don’t have to deal with feelings of the heart, just act on your common sense. I know. I did it for a decade myself. But somehow, at some point when you least expect it, a glimmer of emotion creeps inside. You can’t avoid it, Tachyon. You know I’m right.
@DianneWoollie , yes, no need to comment to you. You’ve the feelings, and someone else’s. I would bet you’d like to give half of them back to whoever shared theirs with you! If you’d like, I’ll keep an eye out.
BTW, music draws out feelings. Perhaps some quiet time might help?
After 20 happy years I won’t be changing. I’m too used to doing what I want, when I want and how I want. There’s nothing I need that a spouse or partner can provide for me. It was fine when I was younger, what with marriage and kids and so forth, but that’s a closed chapter now. Having a woman in my life these days would waste my time and hers.
To be honest, I’m quite an emotional person and its the little things which move me… unexpected kindness, or a sudden view opening up around the corner when walking can move me to tears. I find life incredibly funny, and incredibly sad, and love reading or hearing stories about children or animals doing amazing things to help others.
Conversely, although I have enjoyed many movies and books, I think the only one which made me cry was The Green Mile.
I love music it is my life in a lot of ways…and yes sures does get the emotions going Righnow but cant ever give it up…My sister has the same dx of Hashimoto’s as myself and her daughter also but we are all different as is often the case with these diseases…I had a real bad depressive spell and the hospital said was the thyroids fault take these pills…no way was I taking meds for something that should settle…,I am very against drugs and prefer natural remedies,…was real bad at the time though byut moved on luckily and get moody now, only touch wood…yes Husband calls me names lol and I deserve it. Superbrat is fine!
@RightNow There is a song that does far more that stir me, because as a father to four girls and with a wife I adore beyond words, this song grips me like no other.
@PixieKnuckles , we may be long lost twins! Any small act of kindness is apt to bring the wetness to my cheeks, anywhere, at any time. These are genuine emotions, aren’t we lucky enough to be able to experience them and not be trying to hide them?
@LongDriver , yes! Now you’ve done it to me! I’ll be humming this one all day long. I first heard Garth Brooks singing it on one of my CDs, and tore me up. You are wonderful for sharing this memory. Now, I’ll be right back, gotta grab a tissue…
Now crying does not mostly bother me I do cry more than I maybe should, as I know when I lived in a bad environment the olde emotions were inside completely and the feelings were the most terrible ones that I had ever had…just let them go…tis natures medicine
My mate was just saying the same on the phone to me. He’s with a woman but says he would prefer she leaves (she’s looking at working in Qatar and he thinks after that they won’t be together).
More n more people seem to be content with being single. Stats back this up.
Reading these replies reveal the honest and true feelings we all have.
One thing has just occurred to me about myself. The bad parts of my life, any meanness done to me, only made a firmer resolve, stiff against tears. I was never a whiner, or a crier.
It’s the small kindnesses, that shine from a terrible situation, unavoidable, watching humans pluck a small goodness from the situation and comforting others with understanding and compassion, that envelops me. That brings the tears of warmth for humanity, knowing someone cares enough to comfort others.
Hmm, stats and facts of life. Not exactly what evokes much feeling, does it?
What my mate and many men are saying, sorta echoes the comment I was responding to, thats why I mentioned it.
I did a thoughtful post about emotion here earlier but a glitch meant I couldn’t upload it.
I’m very attuned to my emotions and dreams about the future
Yes my late best bud was the kindest person on this earth…She was always the first to be the one that helped you and sadly she died before reaching 60 but her funeral was so filled with the people that loved her there were speakers set up outside for the overflows…was something that is constantly in my thoughts…Her family were close one and all suported each other not prepared to talk about her husband though,
Yes seems life is harsh at times but mostly my memories are so good, my photos of us I have in a ‘shoebox’.always near by…knew her 1st from infants school and then realised she lived about 10 minutes walk from mine…She was redheaded but rarely lost her rag…not the typical ginge!