What does the sky directly above your head look like right now?

Clear blue skies, 102°F, fills like 106°F.

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Might rain for 3 days straight. :slightly_frowning_face:

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11.30am Monday 19 August 2024
Cloudy Clouds are above Perth again

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Oh, I hope not, one day will do for me.
Clouds mixed with blue sky this morning but more rain is forecast later. These clouds say it all.


That sky looks like a sign of imminent rain. Good if you need it, not so good if you don’t.

At least we should get lower, more normal temperatures.


I was referring to your photo @Bretrick.

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It has been raining heavily for several days here.
Sunday’s blue sky was short lived.
There has been record rainfall south of Perth. Highest 24 hour rainfall figures.


It’s either too much or too little, when it comes to rain, well it’s always this way for us here.
The glimpse of blue sky we had earlier is slowly disappearing…


It was heavily overcast earlier but the sun is breaking through slowly and feeling warm already.


Watcher of the Skies

Sadly now, your thoughts turn to the stars
Where we’ve gone
You know you never can go
Watcher of the skies, watcher of all
This is your fate alone, this fate is your own


A clear blue cloudless sky, another hot blue sunshiney day on the East coast of the USA ( Maryland / Delaware/ Virginia anyway).


Oh my gosh! Tonight driving home from the casino there appeared before me yet another larger than life rainbow in front of me. I couldn’t take a photo, as I was behind the wheel, but a calm came over me.
Someone special is thinking of me this week.
I still haven’t seen that blue moon yet.:disappointed_relieved:

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11.40am Wednesday 21 August 2024
No cloud to be seen

A bit more contrast today…

Can anyone else see a mermaid or do I have a fanciful imagination…


Dark and menacing - been like that for most of "the summer’ here.

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Pretty sure yous do not know what is above my head today
1.40 pm, Thursday 22 August 2024.

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Bright, blue sky this morning. 32C.

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Tis bright sun above while the darling children from next door to my east and also my west play outside at the rear of my property which brings joy to my heart.
All the wee ones are from Ukraine and were lucky their widowed mothers took advantage of what was offered to them over here. Needless to say, I absolutely despise Putin :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: I’ll leave my opinions at that point as I would be deleted if I really spoke my mind :bomb:


LongDriver, I think you’ve expressed yourself admirably without the need to be banned! :+1:

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My bit of sky…

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