What do you miss most (about being 'young')

@d00d I am more inclined to enhance mine as opposed to banishment :laughing:

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I can only imagine @Chillie6…or maybe I shouldn’t :laughing:

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yay :crazy_face:

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It’s best not too🤐

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Lol…now I’m feeling pressure to show rather than just tell hahahaha @d00d @Chillie6

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In the words of Iron Maiden ‘Run to the hills’ :joy::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Hehe…are you saying my breasts are potentially that frightening you feel the need to flee? :laughing:

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I’m a gentleman I couldn’t possibly comment :clown_face::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Maybe you’ve said enough :laughing:
I mean, I would show, but I don’t want to frighten everyone off into the hills…

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And even gentlemen comment :joy:

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Sorry was looking for my climbing boots :zipper_mouth_face:

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OMG! They are not frightening!! :joy:

Seems I really might have to prove it…:thinking::open_mouth::rofl:



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Flee the Boobs! Flee the Boobs! And be thankful for support bras, we can take someone’s eye out like that!


Yah missed out anyway haha


Story of my life :joy:


What I don’t miss about being young is that feeling of awkwardness. :grinning:

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Is the story over? Lol

Nope still breathing I think. :grinning:

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Haha…then you’re still in the story…second chance to not miss anything lol

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