What do you fear is lurking in the dark?

Damp proof membrane?

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DPM is/was an abbreviation for disruptive pattern material, camouflage pattern in other words Ralph.

What I was trying to say probably not very well is that so many people wear hi Viz these days that nobody really seems to thinks twice about the wearer’s credentials and wether or not they really are who they appear to be.

It was something that swimfeeders post caused me to think about.

Ah right, thanks for enlightening me. :+1:
I trained as an architect when I first left school and a DPM was something you put under a concrete floor. :joy:

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I too am now enlightened :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

May I ask why you chose that sort of profession?

Dark Matter :grin:

I like the dark. If I can’t see anything, then anyone or anything can’t see me, either!
Total darkness is a comfort if you are ready to welcome it.