Chicken Alfredo Parmesan
Hello Sandra. Welcome to the forum. I am sure you will enjoy your time here. Many great members to interact with.
I have never had Chicken Alfredo. Can you tell me what it is, please?
Hiya Sandra and welcome to the forum!
You’ll find a a well stocked pantry here. I’m rather partial to Parmesan myself, freshly grated of course
recently it’s been this
I like the look of the vegetarian chilli Annie!
Some years back I made some guacamole, much frantic scraping of avacados if I remember correctly.
The classic for me: fried and boiled eggs
I love egg mayo on toast … makes a nice light lunch, lots of real butter on the toast, lots of salt 'n black pepper too.
Let’s not forget scrambled, you can stir in all kinds of spicy horrors at the merest whim!
Welcome to the forum eliot88
You’ll meet all sorts in this box of eggs!
Eggs on toast either fried or scrambled, sometimes boiled with soldiers, sometimes omelette.
I seem to cook Pasta dishes the most, but also
cook up other things as well. Love Pasta!
Yep, pasta for us too, it’s so versatile, olive oil, meatballs, anchovies , spices etc!
Mind you, can’t beat the humble jacket potato with butter, grated cheese and baked beans
Stop showing off Besoeker!
And it’s not even cooled…(
Buckwheat galettes at week end for brunch.
Otherrwise I cook a lot of veggies, spinach, Chinese cabbage, broccolis, mushrooms and ratatouille.
I also like to steam fish, and rice or cook chicken or poultry.
Will have the occasional pasta and like to bake quiches or apple tarts.
Anything that can be done in a microwave.
Toast. Soups in winter, salads in summer.
Cooking for one can be dreary. But years ago in an Italian restaurant I tried tono y fagolli - simply tuna with beans. For me, it was lucky that this was not a posh restaurant, so the tuna was canned and the beans were also out of a tin. But with a nice dressing.
Since then I’ve made myself a version of this once a week. If I’ve time I’ll cure finely chopped red onion in lemon juice for crunch, use fageolet beans and a small tin of tuna. Simple oil & balsamic dressing. And kid myself that I’m being healthy.
Man who boils potatoes and peas in the same pot is not hygienic
cheese and biccies