What do you cook the most?

Chicken Alfredo Parmesan


Hello Sandra. Welcome to the forum. I am sure you will enjoy your time here. Many great members to interact with.
I have never had Chicken Alfredo. :chicken: Can you tell me what it is, please?

Hiya Sandra and welcome to the forum!
You’ll find a a well stocked pantry here. I’m rather partial to Parmesan myself, freshly grated of course :slightly_smiling_face:

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recently it’s been this


I like the look of the vegetarian chilli Annie!
Some years back I made some guacamole, much frantic scraping of avacados if I remember correctly.


The classic for me: fried and boiled eggs


I love egg mayo on toast … makes a nice light lunch, lots of real butter on the toast, lots of salt 'n black pepper too.

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Let’s not forget scrambled, you can stir in all kinds of spicy horrors at the merest whim!

Welcome to the forum eliot88 :+1:
You’ll meet all sorts in this box of eggs! :wink:

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Eggs on toast either fried or scrambled, sometimes boiled with soldiers, sometimes omelette.


I seem to cook Pasta dishes the most, but also
cook up other things as well. Love Pasta!


Yep, pasta for us too, it’s so versatile, olive oil, meatballs, anchovies , spices etc!
Mind you, can’t beat the humble jacket potato with butter, grated cheese and baked beans :drooling_face:

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Stop showing off Besoeker! :wink:

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And it’s not even cooled…(


Buckwheat galettes at week end for brunch.
Otherrwise I cook a lot of veggies, spinach, Chinese cabbage, broccolis, mushrooms and ratatouille.
I also like to steam fish, and rice or cook chicken or poultry.
Will have the occasional pasta and like to bake quiches or apple tarts.

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Anything that can be done in a microwave. :smiley:

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Toast. Soups in winter, salads in summer.

Cooking for one can be dreary. But years ago in an Italian restaurant I tried tono y fagolli - simply tuna with beans. For me, it was lucky that this was not a posh restaurant, so the tuna was canned and the beans were also out of a tin. But with a nice dressing.
Since then I’ve made myself a version of this once a week. If I’ve time I’ll cure finely chopped red onion in lemon juice for crunch, use fageolet beans and a small tin of tuna. Simple oil & balsamic dressing. And kid myself that I’m being healthy.

Man who boils potatoes and peas in the same pot is not hygienic

cheese and biccies