What do you bring with you everywhere you go?

I never go anywhere without money, keys and my watch :moneybag::key::watch:

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Door Keys are the only thing I could say I never leave home without.

The other things I take depend on where I’m going and what I’m planning to do.

I’m happy to leave everything else at home if I’m just going out for a local walk around the village and surrounding field footpaths - I know I’m not going to need money or cards on a country walk, so there’s no point taking cards, money, purse or handbag with me.
I do usually check to make sure I have a couple of clean tissues in my pocket before going out, though!

I have been trying to remember to take my mobile phone when I go out, in case of need, but it is not an ingrained habit yet, so I frequently forget.


When I was running nothing but shorts and tee shirt socks and shoes…
But these days, phone, door keys, camera, and specs. GPS watch if I’m walking a new route.

What do I bring with me everywhere I go?
Optimism, smiles, 73 years of wisdom, and an outstanding sense of humour…

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