What do these smilies mean to you?

Just curious, what comes to mind when you see these smilies in a post? What do they mean to you?

  1. :lol:
  2. :048:
  3. :mrgreen:
  4. :105:
  5. :019:
  6. :101:
  7. :047:
  8. :016:
  9. :icon_twisted:
  10. :104:

If you’ve wondered the same about some other similes, feel free to use this thread to ask too :023:

  1. General cheerfulness
  2. Jokey funny mood
  3. Awkward smile
  4. - never used it
  5. So there! (cheeky)
  6. Dizzy/Mixed up
  7. - never used it
  8. Nodding in absolute agreement
  9. Cheeky devil
  10. What?! Questioning
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I don’t use a lot of smilies mainly -

  1. Happy/friendly
  2. Joke
  3. Bewildered
  4. Angry
  5. Shocked

I know there are lots more available now - but I am having eye sight problems at the moment and they are all so tiny - I am not sure what they are so do not use them.

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I only use one smiley just to indicate I’m being witty :slight_smile:


I tried to do that in capitals to make it easier to read but it wouldn’t let me.

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You are always witty, Smiffy. :grin:

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Um…not always…

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I only ever use :slight_smile: or :wink: the rest mean nothing to me


#8 Window licking (stereotyped behaviour of the mentally challenged).

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#1- LOL–laughing
#3- Tricky/awkward smile
#6- Dizzy
#9- Cheeky devil/angry
#10- Puzzled/questioning?

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I like using them and will add whatever one I think jumps out at me at the time…my favourite one is :innocent:
because I am…


I use them occasionally as a simple method of communication. I firmly believe in the old saying … A picture paints a thousand words. And a simple smilie can IMO save a lot of typing in a post. :fax: :+1: :smiley:

And despite what another poster may think, I am certainly not mentally challenged. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  1. Cheeky Cheerful
    2.Smiling Cheerful
    3.Cheesey Grin
    4.Whoops foot in mouth…or Oh dear
    9.Cheeky Monkey
    10.Really,are you kidding me…What

I’ve just found #7 yesterday, and I love it!
For me, it one eyebrow raised and wiggling…I do this all the time!
Innuendo in my statement, and waiting for a reaction. :047:

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  1. laughing
  2. no idea - silly? maybe?
  3. big grin; cat that ate the canary
  4. uh-oh
  5. yuck
  6. Azz’s favorite smilie; no idea what it means
  7. how you doin’? with a leer
  8. obscene lol
  9. pretending to be mean
  10. What?!

You missed a few :wink:






We need to start a ‘What are you fave smilies?’ thread :lol:

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That’s your favourite smiley !


It’s definitely one of my most used :lol:

There are some I really love to use tho - but sparingly, eg: :044:

Or :043:


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1 very happy. 2 Never used it. 3 big grin. 4 never used it. 5 rude. 6 confused. 7 never used it. 8 never used it. 9 evil fun. 10 WTF.

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