What do chickens eat?

I always thought it was just worms etc, but apparently they can eat your food waste!

Should more councils do this?


They gave anyone in one city 3 three chickens if they wanted them… and reduced food waste by 100 tonnes! One of my neighbours has chickens… so I might ask him to set me up with some :lol:

If you are thinking of getting some chickens for the first time, I suggest you read up on the current legal requirements for housing them during the current avian flu pandemic.
There is a “housing order” in place in England at present


I wonder whether they measured any increase in the rat population


They can indeed eat food waste, crushed egg shells is one, we used to have a lady come round in our village, asking for food waste, not only for their chickens, pigs as well, that was when I was a child growing up.

I used to look after chickens ,many years ago, they kept them outside, they turned their lawn into a mud pit.:open_mouth::sweat_smile:

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did you know Chickens eat dead Rats as well as encourage them.


So does feeding the birds,Eliza, I’ve got a big fat rat here, Jack killed one…( my dog).mind you, they are everywhere.


did you know there are 10,000 foxes in London, helping to keep the rat population down.

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I always thought it was grain, wheatgrain normally, that gets ground up in their gizzards.

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No i didnt know there was that many Foxes in London …Thumbs up for the 10K Foxes…

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All my peelings go to my friend’s chickens and have done for donkeys years. No waste at all in our house.

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If your going to keep chickens you have to ask yourself what you’re going to do with them when they get old and stop laying?

Wring their necks or keep them as geriatric non-laying food guzzling pets? :open_mouth: :scream:


Artangel keeps chickens … :thinking:

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Yes that’s correct. We had about a dozen or so on the farm. My mother collected the eggs every day. Also we cooked some of the birds.

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When we got married we kept a few chickens. When they stopped laying we killed and cooked one and it was as tough as hell so got binned.

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They also love a mash made from all the boiled up veggie peelings.

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I was born & raised on a farm back in the 50s. I remember an endless supply of eggs, I remember my father wringing chicken’s necks, helping my mother pluck them while still warm. And saving the blood for stews.

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Of course, they make good pets.


Yes, similar. It was a hill farm for us. Some arable and cattle and a lot of sheep.

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My friend adopts ex battery hens and I’m amazed how affectionate they are, they sit on her lap and come when she calls them


Omah, Yes, you are correct, l do keep chickens. I only have three that’s enough for me!
I have kept chickens for about 18 years. At first, l became addicted to keeping chickens and ended up with 16.

I feed them with layers pellets as it contains everything they need for perfect eggs. They have a very long run and when l let them out into the garden l have to be with them as foxes are always around ready to pounce.
There are certain foods they cannot eat… chocolate, onions, avocados, kidney beans, green tomatoes or potatoes.
When a fox gets one of your chickens, the others mourn and keep staring over to the area where the fox took the poor chicken.
They are fascinating to watch. One of mine keeps flying up onto my back if l bend over and l dare not straighten up. If l sit on a bench, she will join me, or try to sit on my lap.
The worst is when l am standing innocently in the garden and she will suddenly peck the back of my leg.

I wormed them all last week as they get them after scavenging in the garden.
Yes they are great to keep and the eggs are delicious but they are very tying.