What books are you reading now?

I have just started Endgame - Frank Brady, Bobby Fischer, strange character…

Getting ready to start reading ’ Divine Nobodies: Shedding Religion to find God ’ by Jim Palmer

I’m currently on page 297 of War And Peace by Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. It’s about Russia…I think!

A way to go yet, then! :wink:

I’m reading The Shadow of War by Stewart Binns.

It’s about the Great War, something I really wanted to read more about.

The book is fiction but the characters do include Churchill and Kitchener and I’m finding it enlightening.

I’ve read Stewrt Binns’ books before, notably Conquest, Crusade, Anarchy and Lionheart, which more or less follow on from each other, starting at The Battle of Senlac Ridge, otherwise known as The Battle of Hastings.

Celia Sandys actually said “My grandfather, Winston Churchill, would have loved this book. It enlivens one of the most important periods in our history and is very faithful to real historical events” which is one of the reason I’m reading this book now. stevmk2

It is a damn good read - or at least I thought so :slight_smile: .

Finished up 'Divine Nobodies ’ yesterday with a face full of tear per chapter.

Now finishing up a book written by a wonderful Trappist monk whose writing I enjoy called ’ Memories of Grace : Portraits from the Monastery '.

Next up may be eating disorder related.

I’m reading about Kelly Holmes - the runner. Interesting but not exactly riveting reading.

I read loads of things, always got my nose in a book, magazine, newspaper, etc. My present book at bedtime is an Alan Titchmarsh book, but not gardening, its going to be a romance eventually, I think. It’s about a chap who’s father dies, and the son has to leave his beloved stud farm in Australia to come to England to sort his fathers estate out. It’s actually quite good. Nice and light hearted to go to bed on, don’t like anything ‘disturbing’ or heavy before sleep.

Maureen Lee, Dancing in the Dark

Gentle Eating

The Lost Continent by Bill Bryson. He really has a downer on American Tourists with cameras.

Finished this last night - The Great War was such a terrible waste of life yet we still haven’t learned from it!

I’m now on Odysseus - The Oath, a 2-parter by Valerio Massimo Manfredi, one of my favourite authors.

I’m hoping it’s as good as most of the others I have read by him.
The Alexander trilogy was a detailed look at Alexander’s awe-inspiring life. stevmk2

You all put me to shame. You are reading clever stuff to eddukate your mind. Me I read sumfink borin to send me to sleep.

I read all sorts of books but true crime and biographies are my favourites and Bobby Fischer, the chess player, was a really complex character, very interesting.

I think War and Peace might put me to sleep…

Yes I thought so as well… But I don’t think that I could face reading it again

The mind, when reading is a funny thing. When I was younger I read the Lord of the Rings even before it became popular. I read all of the Russian Classics including the Brother’s Karamazov by Dostoyevsky and Madame Bovary the French writer Gustave Flaubert. One of the first books I read was a Tale of Two Cities and I know I was very young when I read that. I loved the Man in the Iron Mask.
Now I am reading about people moving to Spain to breed Llamas. A pleasant enough easy read. However, some incredibly brain numbing literature passing as bed time reading is about all I can manage now. Good Grief even corn flake packaging is more of an intelligent read than some of the garbage that now I digest.
Why is this? has my brain become addled with life? or as I suspect, I have dumbed down with age.

Funny you should say this. I read a few books by Solzhenitsyn when I was in my late teens. In particular A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch, Cancer Wars, and the Gulag Archipelago, and I remember being incensed that the rest of the world was doing nothing about these things. Now I doubt I could get through the first few chapters.

I think this is more because we have become used to our ‘stories’ coming in one or two hour visual chunks where we have no need to think or imagine stuff as it is all there laid out for us.

I am now reading The Stranger Beside Me - Ann Rule about the murderer Ted Bundy, true crime for a change…

I’ve been dipping in and out of
‘iMacs for Dummies’

Still can’t get my Photoshop CS5 to work though