Ken Stott is Rebus … when I read one recently, all I could see was Ken and could hear his voice too
I’ve been given two Kathy Reichs’ books, the one I’ve picked up is Fatal Voyage - the opening pages were a bit shocking - about a plane crash and a bit graphic but I’m told I will enjoy them. She is a forensic anthrapologist and I enjoy programmes like CSI etc.,
John Grisham The Summons, now I think I have read this book before but I can’t remember the end and so far it is very enjoyable. Does this mean I am getting old?
No dont think I have seen that series but didnt she write a book called bones ? I seem to remember the name .
Cookie I save a fortune rereading boks from a few years ago as I never remember endings … I like John Grisham I have all of his books
Bruce not heard of that one by Ben Elton… his book are so funny , I was wondering when he would bring a new one out not seen one for ages so off to see if I can find Two brothers …
Has any one read any John Boyne books I think the first one is The Thief of time … he also did the boy in the striped pyjamas which was a film… Each book is set in a different period of time when some thing happened the same character in is all the books but can be read seperately but better if read in order. Gripping books
That’s the trouble with this thread - too many books recommended :twisted: I haven’t the time, or space on my book shelves (hubby has 100’s of books, mostly on history, taking up room)
I’ve read all of Grisham’s books too but I like re-reading a book I’ve enjoyed … no, I can never remember endings either.
Not watched the series Bones, no idea why
And to top it all, my daughter lent me a great pile of books, which I’m wading my way through (including a medical text book about my grandsons rare syndrome) - now that is hard reading :shock:
I agree, with Janela, at first I tried to keep up but I just haven’t the time to read all the books recommended. However, when I visit the library I have all the names written down, so that I am sort of getting through them.
Has anyone read Gone Girl? I hadn’t heard of it, although I gather it has been top of the bestseller list recently. Read it on holiday and found it rather strange. Was tempted to give up about a third of the way through but persevered, and it did get better. But not sure what all the hype is about.
Let me see, have just read Katie Fforde’s latest, amusing piece of ‘fluff’, am reading Robin Hobb’s Dragons Blood - latest in her epic series; have got Robbs newest at hand to read, plus am half way through Wrath of Angels by John Connelly.
A Crime Story by Stephen Booth, called “The Devils Edge” seems to be shaping up quite nicely, not on the edge of your seat stuff but I’m quite liking it.
I started reading “Googled - the end of the world as we know it”, but got bored, then Bill Oddie’s “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Egg”, but got bored with all the depression! Now I’m reading “The Bed I Made” which say’s it’s “gripping, believable and unnerving” but boring! I always get 4 books out of the library & end up just reading one. Any good thrillers out there folks?
One of the most entertaining books I ever read was a soldiers own account of his time in the trenches in World War 1, real down to earth stuff and written on cheap jotters in pencil, someone had it published exactly as it was written down, warts and all as they say. Full stops, sentences, paragraphs, and comma’s didn’t exist as far as he was concerned, they only got in his way and he just rambled on like an old goods train, some of the language was very colourful but for the life of me I can’t remember the books title or the fella’s name, it must be 40 years since I read it.
“Me and jackser was stuck in that same bleedin hole for nye on 3 weeks he was startin to get on me nerves the miserable bastard was smokin all me fags an givin nun back i hope he dosnt expect me to whinge for him when he cops it…” and it went on and on, I thought it was great, loved it.
I don’t know what happened to him or ‘Jackser’ , they were terrible times and I’d like to think they both survived the war, anyway thanks unknown soldier for your recollections.
Talk about not being able to put down a book, you couldn’t put this one down because you kept waiting for a full stop and the only one in the whole book was at the end of it, come to think of it, that wouldn’t be a bad sales ploy for someone’s novel.
My grandad was gassed in that war and died afterwards, his name was John, Jackser in Dublin those days, hope he wasn’t the same ‘miserable bastard’ in the book, I never knew him, he was dead long before I was born, it’s nice to get the stories from the common soldiers side of things.
orangutan - I haven’t read Gone Girl but a friend did and had just the same reaction as you.
twizard - have you ever read Barbara Vine? She is actually Ruth Rendell writing under another name and a bit more complex and different from the Rendell mysteries. I’m about to start her new one - The Child’s Child.
I just finished them a couple of weeks ago…Excellent Stuff, but they are very different from the TV Series. Wish it hadn’t been cancelled.
Have you read the Vampire Diaries? I’m about to start Book seven in the Series, but again the TV Series is nothing like the books.
I didnt manage to watch the Secret Circle when it was shown i have been waiting for it to be repeated. Will certainly pick up the Vampire Diaries books I am having a week off soon so should get a bit of reading done. Hopefully