What big event do you think will happen that most people aren’t expecting?

The 2009 movie The Road depicts this scenario.
The film takes place in a future world that has been devastated by an unspecified cataclysmic event, leaving the world in ruins and nearly devoid of life.

Good job we are old fogies :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Planetary defense experts say in reality, if astronomers spotted a dangerous incoming space rock, the safest and best answer might be something more subtle, like simply pushing it off course by ramming it with a small spacecraft.
NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) investigation team shows the spacecraft’s kinetic impact with its target asteroid, Dimorphos, successfully altered the asteroid’s orbit.
So this issue is being constantly worked on.


We have Nukes for this purpose.

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so if they break it up to car sized lumps we should be ok-ish

I’ve got an uncomfortable feeling we will see an assassination of an important figure soon

I don’t know who, what or why but I think it’s going to happen

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Maybe you need to reshuffle your tarot cards Maree :wink:

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I did, it’s not looking good…….:rofl:


Ooops… hope that’s not my reading?
I didn’t mean to cause any offence, honest :scream:


too late Chilli, the die is cast


Not according to the tealeaves 🫖

Tealeaves, is that rhyming slang for the CONservatives?..lol


I could think of more robust rhyming slang for them. Something to do with the banking industry :wink:


Total collapse of the Chinese economy in the next 2 years.

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It might not be all that big to us is the UK but hasn’t the Dutch government collapsed and the retirement of their PM …Rutter? His stance on farming was outrageous.
Mark Rutte hands in resignation to the king after coalition collapse | Euronews.

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I had a dream, a very scary dream, that one of our senior politicians, would, on live TV, answer a question and answer it honestly.


Apparently, someone famous at the BBC who regularly appears on TV is being investigated on sexual crimes with a minor…It’s a bit hush! hush! at the moment, but apparently it’s going to be a right shocker…

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Blimey Foxy… your anticipation seems almost tangible!


Yes I’m wondering who could this be and why has it only just started coming out. How many more nasty skeletons are hidden in more cupboards .


Funny thing is that the reaction you get to any name that the person could be, is that it doesn’t surprise you that it could be any of them.

I’ve said for years that the BBC is a haven for paedophiles and sex pests and I’m proved right regularly. If you value your kids then defund them.