What big event do you think will happen that most people aren’t expecting?

I have been hoping the Games would die a natural death as the cost of hosting them has become enormous. Such obscene money could be better spent.


It’s not money Bret, it’s just a series of digital transactions :grin:

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The masses have to be entertained Bretrick, especially now we have more free time on our hands than when we had to work hard for a living…The gap between rich and poor grows rapidly and if you don’t keep them pacified with smartphones, netflix and cannabis they will revolt…

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WW3 :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom:

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Harry & Megan to shut the f*** up !! :laughing: :open_mouth: :partying_face:

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All the tech and social media companies get together and decide to remove from the internet all unfounded claims, conspiracy theories … and most of all stuff that makes anyone vulnerable or abused.
Won’t happen.

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Crawley Town FA Cup winners 2024 :+1:

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I like dreaming :grin:


We could burn all the books too Strath…
The problem with that is, who decides what is acceptable?
There are some horrible things said on social media, but there are also some things spoken about, by the people, that the Main Stream Media dare not or will not mention. Just calling everything that you don’t believe in a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ won’t make it go away, or not become real after it’s too late…You are talking about state controlled media…


There seem to be some misconceptions about Main Stream Media, what they can and can’t do and how much they are controlled here in the UK.

There are also misconceptions about the amount of Information held by Government Agencies and other day to day controls on information.

First the big one, what is referred to as MSM.

I hope this helps.

All media has a right of appeal to the Courts if they disagree with a block being imposed.

Our Judges are independent and are not afraid to rule against the Government.

On a day to day level, yes the system holds vast amounts of information on you.

We all know the Social Class Categories, A,B,C, upper low and middle class.

The system is far more detailed, it goes from A1 to F29 and down to Postcode level.

For person specific information, we have the PNC etc.

Access to this sort of stuff can be traced, that is why you see Police Occicers being prosecuted and dismissed for accessing it.

Other things are also controlled, Police Officers can have their home addresses not shown on the Electoral Role, I had to have mine shown.

My car number plate is blocked, even the ANPR Cameras do not show details, addess has to be given by a Police Inspector or above.

The above is solely for the UK, it does not apply to all Countries, some of which have very detailed control of the Media, Internet etc and yes, there are Conspiracies around.

Here in the UK I am not worried about Government Conspiracies at all.

Conspiracies by large companies, in particular multinationals, are far more likely, as are conspiracies to hide the truth about things companies may have to pay damages for.

Just my personal take on things.


The Rapture

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everything that can be measured or timed has advanced, as seniors we can see how the common mans life has changed, in my opinion for the better, your diet has improved, you way of life has improved… just consider it, i can remember my father coming home from work, we ate dinner then he sat beside the coal fire listening to the radio reading the paper until it was time for bed he also went to work six days, sat was a half day, mother sat darning socks, yes the good old days, just have a look at your grandchildren… our health as a nation has improved dramatically, my 57 year old son still has two parents, my mother died at 42… her father died at 65, i am 82 ive had TB twice and been treated for five different cancers, four of them cured, so please, lift your chin up, realise just how well off we really are, yes shit happens but we will continue to deal with it, look in the mirror and try to smile…


There is no comparison to burning books.
The difference between mainstream media and internet conspiracy pish is that open mainstream media is always being double checked and validated. It may take a day or two but this validation happens. So recently we had dumb red top newspapers moaning about some story of a school kid identifying as a cat and the alleged teacher support. This was a fabricated story. The other mainstream media spotted this rubbish and highlighted it. And the owners of the red tops, who publish such tosh, can be held to account.
Internet social media conspiracies have the opposite end result. They go into an echo chamber of people endorsing and building on the rubbish.
The big, big difference was a minor clause in a 20 year old bit of US legislation about tech and social media. It specifically defined the social media owning company as not liable for content. The legislation endorses the owner of the social media as simply the owner of the platform and not liable for any content. Hence you get to see all sorts of chuff and you have no idea if its checked, valid, responsible, fact or simply the rantings of an idiot. And then another idiot comes along and endorses it. And you end up believing it.


Good post Strath, but I still think the MSM are only allowed to print things that are not contrary to establishment agendas, even though they might have valid substance…
Anyway, back to topic…and unexpected big events…
I have been pondering the question on and off over the last few weeks…(blimey! has it been that long since the last post?) and I wondered what would happen if the planet was hit by some apocalyptic event that destroyed 80% of the population.

Modern life as we know it would cease. No more electricity or tap water, no more oil or petrol and diesel - empty shops and warehouses - when it’s gone it’s gone. And with no infrastructure to mine lithium, cobalt or any other mineral or metal they would soon run out and vehicles and other modes of transport would lay rusting and unusable.
The few people left on earth would have to forage for their own food and shelter, until eventually just a few small seperate groups of humans spread around the world would exist with no means of communication…

My questions are:- How long would it take to reach the place where we are now at?
And…How many people would need to survive in order to build a new world?
Too few and we would become extinct…

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What big event do you think will happen that most people aren’t expecting?

That’s an easy one to answer -

The Spanish Inquisition - because…

Nobody expects The Spanish Inquisition!

Nobody expects The Spanish Inquisition



There have been, so I am told, 5 Mass Extinction Events already in the history of the Earth.

This is not an area in which I am in anyway an expert, just been taking an interest in it since I became ill.

Ice Ages do not count as a Mass Extinction event

The last one we had ended 19500 years ago and we are due another one in 1500 years time, which is the blink of an eyelid in geological terms.

Western Europe will be under Glaciers, all traces of human habitation flattened.

We will then be the ones in boats, trying to get to the lush temperate agricultural lands of the Sahara.


I do wonder how our planet escapes being hit by meteorites , I mean how come we don’t get bombarded , its amazing really .

Imagine if we did get hit and the planet knocked off its access we would all fly off into outer space .

I wonder if scientists have the ability to fire at a meteor to break it up before it hits .

Scarey stuff , anyone got the answers ( put my overthinking mind to rest )


Hold tight and enjoy the ride.

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Very unlikely Susan, the earths outer atmosphere is constantly fending off meteorites every day that’s one of the problems for space travel, entering the atmosphere at the right angle so as not to burn up. The earth is very large and meteorites are never usually all that big so they either don’t get through, or burn up on entry. However, it is rumoured that a very large one did get through and turned day into night for months, turned the world into an icy wasteland and was responsible for the demise of the dinosaurs.


Azz decides to pull the plug. :laughing:

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