What are you passionate about?

I’m passionate about keeping my bathroom clean…I use a lot of Method cleaning solutions…

Oooo I’ve got loads of Method too, ordered it from Big Green Smile :innocent::+1:


Try their Wild Rhubarb floor cleaner, you just squirt and mop…the most fresh smell…lingers for hours…:heartpulse:

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Blimey pauline that’s exactly the layout of our bathroom before we had changed…

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Hey Fox…what did I tell you…keep it quiet…:rofl::joy::sweat_smile:

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Oops! sorry pauline…

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Music is my passion I am a Rockabilly and the music is great to dance and listen too. I bought a brennen bb1 just so I could have my music in one place


Hi @Bradfordlad1 and welcome to the forum. Have fun :+1:

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Welcome, Bradfordlad…hope you enjoy the forum,:+1:

:wave: Hiya Bradfordlad, welcome to the funny farm.

Mine is the beauty of Nature, the animals, the rivers, the trees, the mountains, the quitetude

Wonder what happened to Bradfordlad, short and sweet :smile:

Before my time. Maybe someone will know. If they see this post.

Doubt it, there is a lot of short lived energy on here’

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One might ask what happened to @pauline3 too. People come and go.

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Yes, she was one of the “Passionate” ones.


People get disappeared. :neutral_face:

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Never outlive your usefulnes :icon_wink:

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So many uses, so little time…passionate to use some up already!

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Probably the start of a journey, and the end of the journey are passionate, some folks who get passionate in the middle may be pretenders :grin:

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