What Are You Eating Or Drinking Right Now?


Had a brilliant Christmas Dinner at the local golf club at lunchtime…All the trimmings, but the best bit is… the beans on toast I’m about to have now…

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Just finished breakie - Weet-bix, oat bran and a cup of coffee.

Porridge with pumpkin seeds and honey, followed by an apple and a mug of Yorkshire tea…I haven’t decided on having some dunking biscuits yet…

Right now, I am sitting in my recliner, sipping on a hot
Latte, and also eating a small slice of Angel Food Cake. :slightly_smiling_face:

Toasted BLT and a hot cup of Spiced Orange tea, then a shot of Baileys for dessert :slightly_smiling_face:

Couldn’t be bothered cooking tonight. Just eaten…

A king size Bombay Bad Boy Pot Noodle, a small Naan Bread. Drank a 500ml can of Old Speckled Hen.

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