What Are You Eating Or Drinking Right Now?

Got a pack of smoked bacon rashers
on the baking tray!
Toastie sarnies for lunch :heart_eyes:

A pint and a bag of crisps at the pub, then home to a peanut butter sandwich, a few tomatoes, radishes, grapes, blueberries and gooseberries.

wholemeal rice with yellow pepper ,courgette, tomato,and mushrooms

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Hi Robert, it was 0500 L this morning when the worms began to bite.

Was reminded that I might still have the last two slices of a loaf of that 8 seeded bread.
Yup 2 left.

So toaster out and up and away…

Hardly restaurant level but at 5 AM on a CHILLY morning beggars can’t be choosers.

Was gunna photograph the label but the writing is so tiny & crumpled anyway.
Lemme see…
“High fibre Low GI 7 seed & grain sandwich loaf”
Linseed, Sunflower, Kibbled Rye, Kibbled Wheat, lotsa others including Sesame & Malted Barley … the rest reads like a bloomin’ dictionary :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :laughing:

Anyway after toasting there is a full melted layet of Cheddar style, then Tommies and shreds of onion and a few slices of raw cheese again on top.
I FORGOT to put some ground black pepper on it but that little mound is a gentle seeded mustard to add at will.

So that was “brekkie” this cold dark morning.


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Two pieces of toast (Hovis Seed Sensations) with butter and Marmite.

This moment, a large cool coffee latte is in front of me with lots of ice,
the sips are refreshing, a side of chips and dip aren’t bad either lol.

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Welcome to the forum, hope you will like it here.
A cool coffee latte sounds just right for the evening…

Hello RightNow and thank you for the welcome :slight_smile:
Oh yes, cool coffee lattes, and tonight already in motion is a
peppermint iced tea, with a side of Nachos…

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No. Its a 100% natural sweetener

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Tetley tea and a sandwich for lunch…

Drinking coffee and eating a biscuit.

Bacon and fried eggs…for a change…

Hot mug of Bovril with white pepper.


Had a brilliant Christmas Dinner at the local golf club at lunchtime…All the trimmings, but the best bit is… the beans on toast I’m about to have now…

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Just finished breakie - Weet-bix, oat bran and a cup of coffee.

Porridge with pumpkin seeds and honey, followed by an apple and a mug of Yorkshire tea…I haven’t decided on having some dunking biscuits yet…

Right now, I am sitting in my recliner, sipping on a hot
Latte, and also eating a small slice of Angel Food Cake. :slightly_smiling_face:

Toasted BLT and a hot cup of Spiced Orange tea, then a shot of Baileys for dessert :slightly_smiling_face:

Couldn’t be bothered cooking tonight. Just eaten…

A king size Bombay Bad Boy Pot Noodle, a small Naan Bread. Drank a 500ml can of Old Speckled Hen.

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